Yomon Yigitlar

Yomon Yigitlar 2022


Dunyo hech qachon bunday mohir sarguzashtchilarni ko'rmagan: chaqqon cho'ntakchi janob Bo'ri, mohir seyfchi Mister Snake, sovuq qonli niqob ustasi Mister Shark, kalta va muskulli Mister Piranya va zukko yuqori toifali xaker Miss Tarantula. Biroq, hatto eng aqlli jinoyatchilar ham ba'zida xato qilishadi. Qamoqxonadan qochish uchun jinoiy guruh rahbari Mister Wolf keskin choralar ko'rishga majbur bo'ladi: "Yomon bolalar" yaxshi tomonga o'zgarishi kerak. Yoki go'yo? Ammo yangi yovuz odam shaharga tahdid solganda, janob Bo'ri boshqalarni haqiqatan ham yaxshi yigit bo'lishga ishontira oladimi?


Pui Pui Molcar

Pui Pui Molcar 2021


The setting is a world where people drive sentient vehicles that are hybrids between guinea pigs and cars – "Molcars"! Molcars have round eyes, big soft butts, and short arms and legs as they trot along. They run around with a silly look on their face, and even when you're stuck in traffic, you can be put at ease just by gazing at the guinea pig butt in front of you! Even if they cause a bit of trouble, it's easy to forgive them because they're so cute and fluffy! This is an animation focusing on various situations unique to cars, full of satisfaction, friendship, adventure, crazy action, and tons of guinea pigs!