Ko‘tga-tepar 2010
Bosh qahramon — maktab o‘quvchisi Deyv Lizevski superqahramonning kostyumini kiyib olib, jinoyatchilarga qarshi kurashadi, lekin unda hech qanaqa qobiliyatlar mavjud emas.
Bosh qahramon — maktab o‘quvchisi Deyv Lizevski superqahramonning kostyumini kiyib olib, jinoyatchilarga qarshi kurashadi, lekin unda hech qanaqa qobiliyatlar mavjud emas.
A small town family is torn apart by a brutal crime. As they deal with the fallout an eerie mist rolls in, suddenly cutting them off from the rest of the world, and in some cases, each other.