François Mitterrand, à bout portant : 1993-1996

François Mitterrand, à bout portant : 1993-1996 2011


"What could be more unsettling than a man close to death whose profound arrogance drives him relentlessly to hang onto both his power and his writing, to the bitter end?" In the twilight of his second seven-year term, François Mitterrand was alone. Ravaged by illness and abandoned by a large majority of the Socialist Party, who would not forgive him for the disastrous outcome of the March 1993 elections, the Head of State was preparing to tackle a second round of cohabitation with the right wing. However a series of unexpected tragedies and revelations would arise, casting a shadow over the end of his reign…


Mitterrand et la télé

Mitterrand et la télé 2021


May 10th, 1981. François Mitterrand is elected President of the Republic. The “soviet tanks” supposedly coming upon the Champs-Élysées dressed in red, feared by some, did not march. Serge Moati takes a personal look at this episode, focusing on the relationship the president had with television, that he witnessed and played a role in.


Macron, Pécresse : Coulisses d'une campagne

Macron, Pécresse : Coulisses d'une campagne 2022


A look behind the scenes of this 2022 presidential campaign. Between the secrets and all the information that escaped the general public, the behind-the-scenes campaign of Valérie Pécresse and Emmanuel Macron allow us to understand all the issues of this election and to discover these candidates.


Cent jours

Cent jours 2022


From the first minutes after his inauguration, the newly elected president wants to translate his promises and his campaign project into action. "Change is now", "Change life", "Together everything becomes possible": all campaign slogans promising a break with the past, a change. The first few months were decisive: it was a matter of making a mark, asserting one's style, imposing one's authority and taking the first measures, those that would make a mark on public opinion and set the first lines of the political narrative in history. From 1959 to 2017, the eight successive presidents have acted without delay. Thanks to the many witnesses and actors of these first hundred days, the film retraces the stakes and decisive moments that marked the beginning of each mandate.


René Carmille, un hacker sous l'occupation

René Carmille, un hacker sous l'occupation 2021


During the Occupation, René Carmille, a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique, founded what was to become INSEE and created the future national insurance number. This military officer, who became a manager in the Vichy administration, developed his modernist vision of mechanography, the forerunner of computer science, and increased the number of statistical surveys on the French population, at the risk of seeing them serve the antisemitic policy led by Pétain. But Carmille was pursuing a secret goal...


1958: Those Who Said No

1958: Those Who Said No 2018


On October 4, 2018, France celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Fifth Republic. It is a republic born in the throes of the Algerian War and one which—from the day it was founded by General de Gaulle until the presidency of a very Jupiterian Emmanuel Macron—has been assailed as a “Republican monarchy” by partisans of a more assertive parliamentarian state. By revisiting the struggle of those who dared oppose the new regime — only to suffer a crushing defeat on September 28, 1958, when they were barely able to garner 20% of the vote against the constitutional text — this film shines a powerful new light on the origins of the Fifth Republic and its consequences for the next 60 years. It is a constitutional debate that planted the seeds for a complete upheaval of the French political landscape, on the left in particular, and set the country in motion toward what would be called the Union of the Left.


Like A Virgin

Like A Virgin 2021


Although the question of virginity seemed destined to disappear, there has been a resurgence of this custom. In the United Stated and in Europe, there are more and more women who join movements promoting abstinence until marriage. In Maghreb, far from claiming it as a choice, women continue to yield to tests to inspect their virginity. As a reaction to this pressure, a number of them resort to operations such as hymenoplasty (reconstruction of the hymen). And yet, as this film will show, physiologically, virginity does not exist. What is it a symbol of in our contemporary world?