
Maestro 1970


Set against the backdrop of a 1960s jungle seaport in tropical Australia and the rich concert halls of wintry Vienna, talented eighteen year old pianist Paul Crabbe moves to an exotic outpost of far Northern Australia. There, he is forced to study under the only piano teacher his father can find – the eccentric, enigmatic Herr Keller, a Viennese refugee with a shadowed past. Living above a dilapidated hotel in the dripping heat of this seaport, Keller is known to the locals as 'Maestro', a broken, elegant drunkard. But who is he? Does he come from a lineage of great European pianists, or is he a fraud?



Herzensfeinde 2001


The popular TV star and director Peter Weck staged the turbulent comedy "Herzensfeinde" by Uli Brée, in which romance is not neglected either. Weck himself shines as a lovable and hypochondriac pedant; his vacation partner and "Herzensfeinde" is congenially embodied by Friedrich von Thun. The attractive ladies of the heart of the two vacationers are played by Susanne Uhlen and Michèle Marian.