The Tobacconist of Vallecas

The Tobacconist of Vallecas 1987


Leandro, an unemployed mason and his friend, Tocho, attempt to rob a tobacconist in the Vallecas district of Madrid, but Mrs. Justa, the tobacconist, impedes it alerting the neighbors who notify police. Inside the shop, the confrontation between the two friends and their 'hostages', the tobacconist and her niece Angeles, is relaxing, and a budding sympathy arises between them.


Cartas desde Huesca

Cartas desde Huesca 1993


Angy, British publisher specialized in Spanish subjects, and her husband, come to Madrid in search of some manuscripts of the English poet Benton, who died in Huesca during the Civil War. The documents are supposed to be held by Mainar, old anarchist combatant. Contact and subsequent relationship with him, will cause the crisis of the marriage and eventually will trigger a personal drama in Mainar