How Mary Met the Cowpunchers

How Mary Met the Cowpunchers 1911


Mary is from Boston, and she doesn't just take to the cow punchers as she would to the "rah-rah boys" of the Hub. Bill, who is a fellow of no small caliber, is looked upon by his companions as a sort of leader, feels a little miffed, but acknowledges she is the real goods and has some occasion to feel proud of herself; at the same time he won't stand for her snubs. The punchers await developments and make up their mind what can't be cured must be endured. The Captain, a classy chap, from a neighboring ranch, puts in his appearance, and asks Mary to go riding with him.


The 'Schoolmarm' of Coyote County

The 'Schoolmarm' of Coyote County 1911


"I do hate learnin', but oh! you schoolmarm!" is what the boys at the gulch said when Mary came to town; and, from "Big Bill" down to Hop Lee, the Chink, they all took to study, and to courtship. The rivalry is friendly until the new foreman blows in and takes the inside track, then "Big Bill" gets jealous. At the swell (?) reception the foreman cuts Bill out and Bill decides to "lay for him." The foreman soon discharged a greaser who later robs the paymaster and contrives to fix the blame on the foreman.


In the Tall Grass Country

In the Tall Grass Country 1910


Look before you leap, at hasty conclusions. Nell is a sweet girl and Bob is a good fellow; Nell is a typical Texas girl and Bob is a comparative newcomer to the west.


An Unwilling Cowboy

An Unwilling Cowboy 1911


Nellie and her father are from Boston, but every winter they visit San Antonio for the old man's rheumatism. Nellie is very fond of ranch life and it is her custom to spend part of the time at the Bar X, which is close by, while her father is undergoing all the delights of being "Boiled out" in the sulfur baths. Nellie meets all "the boys" and is particularly impressed with Jim Edwards, who constitutes himself her guide at the ranch. One day a horse runs away with her, and Jim neatly ropes it and thereby saves her life and wins her love.


A Plucky American Girl

A Plucky American Girl 1910


Just plain Mary Ann, that's all, but there is something about this little country girl which stamps her as the right sort, with grit, grip and gumption to distinguish her among the famous men and women of the twentieth century, or any other century for that matter. Her father is a faithful old servant in the employ of the D.&C.R.R. as a signal man in a tower on the lonely stretch of the track at very important junction. After his day's work, Mary Ann, who has studied telegraphy and likes to practice, comes to the tower to go home with her father, after the night signal man comes to relieve him. The night man is somewhat delayed and her father leaves Mary Ann at the signal station while be goes home to get his supper and rest.


The Spring Round-Up

The Spring Round-Up 1911


It was April weather on Lloyd's ranch, but all was not sunshine. The mortgage was due, and while there were enough cattle to sell to pay it, they were woefully short of men to handle them. Finally Lloyd decided to entrust the job to his son, Hal, and detailed El Paso Pete, one of his trusted men, to accompany the boy to Waco. The cattle were rounded up and shipped. Hal sold them to advantage and collected the money and was on his way to settle the mortgage, when he ran into an adventure. Jim Dempsey, a rough gambler, was having an altercation with his daughter, Rose. A Texan will ever respond to the call of beauty in distress and, regardless of the relationship, Hal interfered and followed them to see it safely through. He was led to a dance hall and was surprised and somewhat disappointed to see that Rose was a dancer there, but discovered that her father forced her to thus earn her living.


Changing Cooks

Changing Cooks 1911


The cook has been the bane of many a family, but when it comes to stirring up a western ranch and getting the goats of the cowpunchers there is going to be something doing, and the doing of the something is full of interest, to wit: The cook is not satisfactory and the boys strike for a new "chef." They appeal to the boss and he promises them relief, and it is not long in coming from San Antonio in the person of a very swell fussy French guy, whom they look upon as a huge joke.


The Snake in the Grass

The Snake in the Grass 1911


Margie, of the "Flying B" ranch, knew it was to run across a snake in the tall Texas grass, but she did not realize that there are people who, like snakes, conceal themselves until they are ready to sting. Consequently, when a sleek looking tenderfoot asked to become a boarder at the "Flying B" Margie favored him, though her father was suspicious. Margie is soon smitten with the stranger, much to the chagrin of Jack, the foreman, with whom Margie had previously been very friendly. Jack does not get ugly over the matter, but keeps his eyes open.


A Western Girl

A Western Girl 1911


Dick, an easterner, comes west to try his luck at mining. No sooner does he arrive than Hartley, the local gambler and all-around villain, commences to make sport at his expense. Dick endeavors to bear it patiently, but a clash is inevitable, until the arrival at the village store of Mary Brown, one whom all held in respect, excepting Hartley.


In the Hot Lands

In the Hot Lands 1911


Nell, an independent and somewhat obstinate girl, receives an invitation to attend a dance. She asks her mother for money to buy a new dress. Her mother, a hard working woman, who has to toil from morn to night, feels that her request involves an unnecessary extravagance and she denies it. Nell answers her sharply and leaves in a sullen mood. While working in the hot, broiling sun, the mother is overcome with the heat.


Only a Sister

Only a Sister 1911


If John was half the man that Molly is, she and her father would have been a great deal better off. Molly by her industry and ambition has saved up five hundred dollars to go to college and complete her education; she is very proud of her achievement. John is a young fellow with extravagant idle notions, who refuses to hold his jobs as a skilled mechanic and insist upon spending his time in rambling and dissipation. Molly loves her brother and tries to induce him to mend his ways and make a man of himself.



Pals 1910


Denton, a young easterner, arrives in the gold-fields, looks about for a "find" and a partner. Entering a saloon, he partakes of some refreshment, watches the patrons of the place and studies their characters, while thus engaged a young miner, named Harper, somewhat prejudiced against easterners, engages in a quarrel with a Mexican who is about to plunge a knife into the miner when Denton seizes his wrist and wrenches the weapon from his grasp. Harper thanks Denton, and after learning the eastern man's desire to find a prospecting partner, Denton loins forces with him and they start in to work a lead and strike paying dirt.


Mary's Stratagem

Mary's Stratagem 1911


Desdemona was not the only woman to have trouble over a handkerchief. It occurred to Mary also. Mary was in love with Bill, who worked on her father's ranch, and was greatly admired by all the boys. Shorty returned from town one day with a fine checkered handkerchief, which he proudly placed about his neck, strutting in front of Bill to attract his notice. The handkerchief was almost loud enough to speak for itself, so Bill noticed it all right. One of the boys sneaked it from about Shorty's neck and hung it on a nail, where Mary found it. Seeing that it was new, she placed it about her own comely neck, but alas, Othello Bill became jealous and accused her of accepting it from Shorty.


Won in the Fifth

Won in the Fifth 1910


He has fought his last fight and the prize-ring will know the old pugilist no more. Knocked out by an organic disease, he is in a bad way not only physically but financially. He has an interesting daughter, a bright boy and a good wife who are well thought of by the people of the neighborhood in which they live, among whom is a young minister. The doctor who attends the old boxer sees that nothing but a complete change to some warmer climate will benefit the patient and also recognizes that under the circumstances the change would be impossible unless someone comes to his assistance with the necessary money to defray the expense. The physician writes a note to the young clergyman telling him of his diagnosis of the case and his conclusions. The young divine hastens to see the sick man.


The Golden Secret

The Golden Secret 1910


A Navajo Indian has crossed the great desert, and his water bottle has been emptied. He is in a frenzy from thirst and sees mirages of water everywhere. He comes upon Nat Perry, a young settler, who is conveying his household goods across the burning sands. Perry has just taken a drink from his precious canteen when the Indian falls at his feet and implores a little water. The young pioneer heartlessly turns him over with his foot and leaves him to die.


Love's C.Q.D.

Love's C.Q.D. 1910


Cynthia Moore, daughter of Colonel Moore, who is the commander of a cavalry post near the Mexican frontier, is much beloved by two junior officers in her father's command. They are Lieutenant Robert Bright and Lieutenant Arthur Hartley, both graduates of West Point, where they had been rivals during their Academy Days. This rivalry, which had been friendly at West Point, became very bitter when they were both assigned to Col. Moore's post and met his attractive daughter, and the true nature of the two men began to assert itself.


Speed Versus Death

Speed Versus Death 1910


Braggs, the young western settler, comes into view leading his broncho while he leads his little child on the horse's back. Placing the child on the ground and watering the pony, he takes his knife from his pocket to make an extra hole in the saddle strap. The knife slips and penetrates his wrist, severing an artery. His wife comes to his assistance, makes a tourniquet with strips of her apron, jumps on the broncho's back, bids her husband to care for the child and keep up courage while she rides to town for the doctor.


Honor of the Flag

Honor of the Flag 1911


Mary lived with her mother at the XX ranch, which was on the Rio Grande, just across from Mexico, and, as there was a ford there, it was easy for persons to cross from either side. One day, while riding on the Mexican side, she heard screams of distress and came upon Juanita, a beautiful Mexican girl, who had been insulted by Jose, a bad man of that vicinity, who commanded a band of guerrillas, who plundered and stole under the guise of insurrectos.


In the Right of Way

In the Right of Way 1911


John Burton, a railroad clerk from the east, was spending his vacation hunting in the wild lands about John Walsh's shack. One morning, as he was eagerly following a large hawk, which he had already wounded, he lost his balance on the edge of a cliff and plunged down to the stony ground below. His cries for help attracted Walsh's attention and he was taken to the latter's cabin, where he was tenderly cared for by Walsh and his wife, until he was able to return to his duties in the east. Walsh's wife was the apple of his eye, but, like most things that we love, she did not last, and twenty years later we find him a broken old man, living in the days that are gone.