Libarebased ja kooljad

Libarebased ja kooljad 1998


Based on the tales of Chinese writer Pu Songling, the film depicts the romantic relationships of a Chinese student with an undead girl and a fox spirit maiden. Rainer Sarnet's diploma film.


Son of Torum

Son of Torum 1989


In the same vein as Meri's other documentations, this one takes advantage of the glasnost policy to discuss the social and ecologic impact of the Russian oil industry on the natives and the lands they inhabit.


Katused ja korstnad

Katused ja korstnad 1968


A dance film-fantasy, a tour of old and new Tallinn from its own unique angle - from the rooftops. First colour film of Eesti Telefilm.


Dance Around the Steam Boiler

Dance Around the Steam Boiler 1988


The movie travels through the 20th century by monitoring a steam boiler. We see the history of Estonia through life, agricultural work and people at different times.


The witch's creature

The witch's creature 1982


Toad, the primeval inhabitant of the earth. One of the first living creatures who dared to venture from sea to land and some of whose species are now finding their way to the books of endangered species. Who are they really, these witch's creatures?


Men Don't Cry

Men Don't Cry 1968


A group of sleepless nerds should be taken into sanitarium for hard-therapy. They are taken to a lonely island but no sanitarium is in sight. Suddenly turns out that the nurses have kidnapped the men and are about to give them the only useful medicine they need - fresh air and work. But the patients decide to disobey. There's only one solution - to escape. The film is absolute cult in Estonia.


Huviline filmikaamera

Huviline filmikaamera 1972


"I'm a master at filming, I have a film reel inside. I don't need simple eyes, I have a lens instead!"


Meie Artur

Meie Artur 1968


A portrait of the singer Artur Rinne


Metsade taga

Metsade taga 1981


The small town of Iisaku in the middle of the large forests behind Alutaguse has long been known for its lively spirit and cultural-minded sense of life. The people of Iisaku talk about its past and present.


The Sounds of Kaleva

The Sounds of Kaleva 1986


A three-act film-essay about memory and the historical-cultural ties of the Finno- Ugric peoples. The first chapter is dedicated to ancient Bearese of memory, such as Karelian cliff drawings, Kalevala runo song and Khanty bear feast rituals. the second act portrays the visit of Elias Lonnrot, compiler of the Finnish national epic Kalevala, to Estonia and his meetings with local intellectuals. Part three re-enacts an ancient smelting and blacksmith ritual set to Veljo Tormis' cantata 'curse upon iron'. Filmed in 1985 in Uhtuo, Karelia; in Khantia-Mansia at the Agan river, a tributary of the Ob; and in Estonia (Tallinn, Kuusalu, Tartu, Voru, Litsmetsa in Voru county, Lullemae, Karula, Rongu, Narva, and at a bend of the Pirita river). The third documentary in Lennart Meri's "Encyclopaedia Cinematographica Gentium Fenno - Ugricarum" series.


Ta-ram, ta-ram

Ta-ram, ta-ram 1995


Nighttime at the tram depot. A closed tram car, from which a young businessman who fell asleep on the tram finds himself waking up. However, he is not alone...


In Paradisum

In Paradisum 1993


In Paradisum relates two disturbing stories simultaneously. The female narrator tells her personal tale of imprisonment as the wife of the notorious Estonian serial killer, Andreas Hanni. Although her story is bizarre, it touches familiar themes that run throughout modern life: the desire to be loved and the fear of being alone. Pille Hanni's tale unfolds over cinema vérité images of life in several Estonian prisons. At times the images reflect in a literary way the events of the narration, yet they are representations and impressions, rather than traditional documentary style footage of the people involved. This opens the story to a more general interpretation, often with unsettling results. The parallel contents reveal, at two levels of story and social organisation, how the bizarre and inhuman can be tolerable and even addictive in the face of our fears.



Doubles 1983


A musical comedy about singer Toomas Aringus and rally driver Mati Uibo, whom journalist Tiina Salum considers to be one and the same person due to their external resemblance.



Ruffs 1976


Interesting and fancy spring tournaments are commencing on the beach meadows. The male ruffs gather here for their spectacular and complex lekking. It is the content of their life. The male bird's plumage beats the cleverest fashion designer's fantasies. We can distinguish the main players, showing off their bright collars, from their satellites and the rejected. In contrast to many other lekking games, the ruffs' lekking has lost its combative character and become completely ritualistic.


Uurimusfilm doktor Enn Vetemaa märkmeraamatute põhjal

Uurimusfilm doktor Enn Vetemaa märkmeraamatute põhjal "Eesti näkid" 1993


Mermaids and humans have crossed paths throughout millennias.Their generally peaceful coexistence is described in naiadological literature, as well as in the folklore of many nations. Our mermaid people are poetic and mysterious - we meet these gentle and femininely charming creatures in nature and in the everyday life around us. The film follows the principles of scientific lyricism, and takes the viewer through the history of naiadology and introduces the main types of mermaids. The mermaids were captured in beautiful places in Estonian waters.



Dream 1978


In the spring and summer of 1977, the musical television film "Miracle Story" was filmed on Toomemäe in Tartu. Despite the fact that all the shots in the film are documentary, you may not see a documentary in "Dream". It is not a reportage about making a film, but rather a vision, an echo that has disappeared but has been.