Scuba Duba Do

Scuba Duba Do 1966


The cat's been assigned by brothers Fenimore and Latimore to clean the chimney. There, Sad finds a treasure map.


Holland Days

Holland Days 1934


Farmer Al Falfa tries to save his Swiss cheese from thieving mice.


Swiss Cheese

Swiss Cheese 1930


Terrytoons animated short film directed by Frank Moser


Ickle Meets Pickle

Ickle Meets Pickle 1942


Two nutty little gnome-like men that look exactly alike, meet in the woods and proceed to hunt and fish and even attempt a duel with clumsy incompetence.


The Old Oaken Bucket

The Old Oaken Bucket 1941


A frog boy calls on his froggette sweetheart, who lives in a well with a bucket for a lift. He can't escape her family so, to be alone, they visit a fair and partake in the rides and food.


Dr. Ha-Ha

Dr. Ha-Ha 1966


James is a secret agent who is incredibly clumsy. Yet, no matter how many mistakes he makes in his efforts to capture the bad guy, he winds up bagging the criminal.


The Home Guard

The Home Guard 1941


Gandy Goose joins the home guard, a ramshackle bunch of barnyard creatures that mostly march and drill. At one point, Gandy is menaced by a fifth columnist, who travels in a literal fifth column from a porch.


The Juggler of Our Lady

The Juggler of Our Lady 1957


Medieval times. A juggler has little success making a living; he puts on a hair shirt and becomes an ascetic, but attracts only other ascetics. Finally, in desperation, he becomes a monk. He visits the other monks, who all glorify the Lady with their skills: cooking, painting, sculpture, etc. He tries helping them, but botches it. A festival is held for the Lady, and each of the monks offers his gift, but the juggler has nothing. Frustrated, he juggles for her, all night, alone.


Ants in Your Pantry

Ants in Your Pantry 1945


This one has lots of what Terrytoons are notorious for: cycles! And cycles of the commonest kind: ants harvesting and a baby factory! It also has a voluptuous Queen Ant and a sweetly delivered punchline which may make it worth your trouble. Withheld from television release; presumably because it leaves too many "birds-and-bees" questions unanswered for tiny tots (and their beleaguered parents).


My Boy Johnny

My Boy Johnny 1944


In a departure from the usual Terrytoon, this short is based on predictions of things to come in the world after the end of World War II. It primarily deals with, in a comedy sense, what every "G.I." Jonnny can expect when he returns home to civilian life.


The Dead End Cats

The Dead End Cats 1947


A very tough gang of alley cats are running a black-market operation in a big city, filled with little mice and gangster cats, and are making the streets mean indeed. And they have a hit-order out on Mighty Mouse.


It's a Living

It's a Living 1957


Dinky quits the cartoon business and gets a job as a spokes-duck for TV commercials.


The Lion and the Mouse

The Lion and the Mouse 1943


This is actually a "Super Mouse" cartoon. The character was not known as "Mighty Mouse" until The Wreck of the Hesperus. In the altered-for-TV version, however, he is "Mighty Mouse."


The Tale of a Dog

The Tale of a Dog 1959


Through a stray dog's mishaps, the stray gets mixed up with people who aren't really paying attention. He starts out as a shoe shine boy, then ends becoming the president of the GALLAGER and Foofer Frankfurter Co.


Don't Spill the Beans

Don't Spill the Beans 1965


A combination of the stories of "Cinderella" with "Jack and the Beanstalk," in which Sad Cat beats his two "dear, mean brothers" up the giant beanstalk. Sad Cat's two brothers poke fun at him for being so dumb. He goes into the business of selling magic beans.


The Tall Tale Teller

The Tall Tale Teller 1954


A leprechaun tells his story to a judge of how he came to be arrested for drinking from a park fountain.