The Irony of Fate

The Irony of Fate 1910


A rejected suitor rebuffs the woman he loves after the death of her husband.


Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 1913


Dr. Henry Jekyll experiments with scientific means of revealing the hidden, dark side of man and releases a murderer from within himself.


For the Queen's Honor

For the Queen's Honor 1911


A lost film. The king is good-natured and doesn't suspect that the queen is plainly beginning to think too much of one of the courtiers. The queen's sister is aware of the situation and saves the queen by taking her place. This deceives the king, but he requires that the villain and the queen's sister be married which complicates the situation as the sister is in love with another courtier entirely.



Avarice 1917


Death reviews the life of a mean, miserly old woman.



Conscience 1915


Inventor George Grant and his partner, financier John Benson, accept an offer of $200,000 for the rights to an invention. After Grant breaks up a fight in a bar between drunken Dave Wilson and an old man reprimanding him, Dave is told by his mother to apologize to Grant. He meets Benson, who witnessed the fight, outside Grant's apartment and tells him his purpose, but during Dave's conversation with Grant, Grant suddenly drops dead. The police find Dave hiding, and after a pistol is found outside and Benson tells them about the fight but says he knew nothing about Dave's apology, Dave is convicted of murder and electrocuted.


The Wanderer

The Wanderer 1913


In the valley the world's best "eternal triangle" is being worked between a husband, a much younger wife and "one who covets." On the heights, the shepherd hears the call and for the nonce becomes a wanderer, and descends into the valley of Passions and Pain. It is the gentle, unfelt, almost unseen influence of the wanderer that stops a maddened husband from first murder and then suicide; exposes the frailty of a wife to her own consideration, and points out to her the grim consequences of a moment's folly, and finally takes the "one who covets" away from the born passions of the valley a far journey up the heights, and disaster to three souls.


The Better Way

The Better Way 1911


A lost film. Louis Perry is discharged from the penitentiary, having served his sentence. He immediately resumes relations with his evil companions. One day he happens to meet Lillian Garvey, a Salvation Army worker. One of his companions insults her and Louis resents it and incurs his enmity. Lillian is the only good woman he has known for years and he learns to love her. Her influence tempts him to abandon the life he is leading, and he attends the services and becomes converted. Just at this juncture Madeline Raymond, a woman of the underworld, who was his sweetheart before he was arrested, again comes into his life.


The Mirror

The Mirror 1911


A love story filled with amusing complications, but the contest is won by Dick because he believes that all is fair in love and manages to circumvent the fates which often decree otherwise. The fortune teller prescribed the mirror test for the girl saw to it that the test was in his favor.


The Stampede

The Stampede 1911


A lost film. Jose Almedo is a cattle thief. Marie, his wife, endeavors to assist him. Jose and his band plan to run off some cattle belonging to a rancher. Marie goes to warn them, carrying her little girl, Nello. In her desperation, she struggles across the range but is in the path of the cattle which are being pursued by the thieves. Marie is trampled to death but the child is unharmed. Years elapse and Nello has grown to be a woman.


A Manly Man

A Manly Man 1911


Of the over 30 one-reelers Mary Pickford made in Cuba for Carl Laemmle’s Independent Motion Pictures Company, A Manly Man is one of few that survives today. Pickford plays Lola, a young Filipino woman who falls in love with Duncan (William E. Shay), a Caucasian man sent to her village on business. After Lola risks her life nursing his fever and saving him from a knife attack, Duncan marries her and resists the temptation to return to his American fiancée. Directed by Thomas Ince and co-starring Pickford’s first husband Owen Moore, A Manly Man was later reissued under the title His Gratitude (1914).


The Dream

The Dream 1911


A loutish husband neglects his patient, loving wife to enjoy a night on the town. When he comes home drunk and irritable, he mistreats her. Then he falls asleep, and has a dream that causes him to reconsider the way that he treats his wife.


The Fisher-Maid

The Fisher-Maid 1911


A lost film. Paula, the fisher-maid is asked by Ambrose Fenton to be his wife; she consents, and tells her father. The honest old fisherman is doubtful of the sincerity of Ambrose and his suspicions are confirmed when he sees his daughter's lover in the company of a woman of his own social set. He and his daughter spying through a gate see Ambrose kiss the girl. Paula resolves to end her life and staggers to the beach, throws the oars out of a fishing dory and, seating herself in the boat, is washed out to sea. Her father organises a search but they only discover the missing boat and the oars on the sand.


A Timely Repentance

A Timely Repentance 1912


A lost film. John Crawford, an honest mechanic, and Wilbur Robinson, a young man of leisure, both love the same girl. She marries Crawford and they have a baby. Crawford is engaged in perfecting an invention and money is short leaving the wife dissatisfied. Robinson notes this fact and lures her away. She goes with him deserting the baby, leaving a note for her husband. While awaiting the train to leave the city they visit a picture house. The story thrown on the screen is identical to their own experience. Unable to witness the closing scenes and filled with remorse, Mrs. Crawford begs to leave and hurries home, hoping she may get there before her husband returns.


Sweet Memories

Sweet Memories 1911


An elderly woman looks back on the special times in her life, thinking especially about her now-departed husband and the things they did together. Though it is sad that these times are now gone, she is comforted by her memories and by the hope of sharing in the lives of her child and grandchildren.


Shamus O'Brien

Shamus O'Brien 1912


Based on JS Le Fanu's 1850 poem "Shamus O'Brien." Copies of this short film survive at the Library of Congress and British Film Institute.


Artful Kate

Artful Kate 1911


The story opens with a pretty love scene between the Lieutenant and his betrothed, Kate Stanley. Hammond is ordered to join his regiment in Cuba and Kate is heartbroken. He tells her they must part, and the girl decides to be brave. She exacts from him a promise that he will be true to her, and not indulge in any flirtations with the dark-eyed senoritas she has been told lure men from their vows of constancy in the land of flowers. Hammond is only too willing to swear eternal constancy. Kate places in his watch case a photograph of herself, kisses her manly soldier, and the leave-taking is very affectionate. The scene reverts to Cuba, Lieutenant Hammond arrives, and is impressed with the country. Kate, having relatives in Havana, receives an invitation to pay them a visit and eagerly accepts, thinking she will meet her lover. She is apprised of his arrival at Havana, and, knowing the predilection of soldiers to flirt, resolves to investigate.


The New Fire Chief

The New Fire Chief 1912


Small-town businessmen decide to establish a Fire Department; they lack polish, at first.


The Message in the Bottle

The Message in the Bottle 1911


A lost film. Lieutenant Shannon ( Owen Moore ) finds himself shipwrecked on an island and throws a bottle with a message into the sea, hoping it will reach civilization. His brave spirit impresses the islands savages and the King offers him the hand of his daughter in marriage. A rescue party suddenly disrupts the wedding already in progress, and the lieutenant is reunited with his sweetheart Louise Spencer ( Mary Pickford ). The heart-broken maiden stands alone, like a statue on a rock as she watches the boat carry away the man she loved.


For Her Brother's Sake

For Her Brother's Sake 1911


A lost film. Hiram Flint, a young gambler and horseman, loves Madge, the daughter of James Spotwood but she repulses him. He buys a mortgage on the farm of Spotwood. The interest on the mortgage is due to be paid but Owen, Spotwood's son gambles and loses the money at roulette. James Spotwood has given to Owen a thoroughbred and they enter it in a race at the county fair in an effort to get back the money lost. Flint also has a horse entered and drugs the Spotwood rider on the eve of the race.


Second Sight

Second Sight 1911


A lost film. Gertrude Edgar is loved by Tom Moreland and Owen Jackson, and Gertrude, being a woman, is inclined to a mild flirtation with Jackson, while loving Moreland devotedly. Very soon Moreland is invited to join a party to discover the headwaters of the Amazon River. After reading reports of Tom's supposed death Gertrude promises Owen that she will marry him he if he can find and bring back Tom safely to her.