Shalom Italia

Shalom Italia 2017


Shalom Italia tells the story of three brothers, who set off on a journey to find a cave in the woods of Tuscany. The place where they, as children, hid to escape the Nazis. But more than a search to find a geographical location, the brothers are on their way to locate the common ground of memory, the nexus where the conflicting versions of their stories can come to rest.


Good, Better, Vegan?

Good, Better, Vegan? 2017


Modern veganism that does not want to miss anything is the new lifestyle of a young, healthy generation. But nature has not provided for humans to eat vegan food at all. Veganism has little known health hazards if used improperly, but can also be a blessing for this planet and its overpopulation. The journalist John A. Kantara traces the different facets of this ideology of faith.