Maria, Mirabella

Maria, Mirabella 1982


Two little girls - Maria and Mirabella - go to the woods for a walk and encounter several magical characters, among them a frog with his feet frozen in ice, a fireworm whose shoes keep catching fire, and a butterfly who's afraid of flying. To help their new friends, the girls must carry them to a sorceress who lives deep in the forest.


Guguta the Hairdresser

Guguta the Hairdresser 1980


A village barber cuts all children's hair with the same comb. The boy Guguta dreams of learning to cut his own hair.


To Love

To Love 1968


Four love stories connected by newsreels of the late 60s. Each short story begins with an epigraph taken from the Song of Songs of the Old Testament. The stories are interconnected by documentary shots and numerous interviews taken on the streets from passers-by who are asked the same question: “what does it mean to love?”.


Wild Wind

Wild Wind 1985


August 1943, Europe. The tentacles of the German octopus have begun to recoil. As the Nazis retreat, their concern focuses on the supply of oil from the refineries of Romania. Without the flow of "black gold", Germany's doom is sealed. Armadas of American bombers from bases in North Africa have begun to assault Pioesti - and there is another threat from the Partisans across the border of Yugoslavia. Against the tableau of spectacular events, the dramatic story of WILD WIND unfolds.


At the Devil's Lair

At the Devil's Lair 1981


XVIII century. Moldova under Turkish yoke. The local nobility collaborates with the enslavers. Throughout the district in Moldova, the fame of a detachment of haiduks under the leadership of Gruya thundered, instilling fear in the lords and boyars. But Gruya was killed. Imagine the surprise of the authorities when they learned that a new Gruya had appeared and was preparing revenge.


Accused of Murder

Accused of Murder 1969


A group of drunken young people severely beat the couple in love. Subsequently, Aleksandr Shchetinin died in the hospital after receiving injuries from beatings. The court, chaired by Judge Khromova, is to pronounce the death sentence on one of the four participants in the fight, who committed the fatal blow that led to death.


Sergey Lazo

Sergey Lazo 1968


A historical drama about the Communist leader Sergey Lazo.


A Small Favor

A Small Favor 1984


Once a famous singer Valentin Ozernikov, returning from another tour, thinks about his fast flowing life and tried to formulate his criteria for figs further existence.


Mysterious Prisoner

Mysterious Prisoner 1987


Mikhail is fascinated by the ideas of the Decembrists about a Russia free from the tyranny of the Tsar. After graduating from military school, he goes abroad. Upon returning to Russia, a tragic life awaits him.



Adolescence 1981


Fourteen years old Anutsa is often forced to stay alone while her father leaves for business trips.


Agent of the Secret Service

Agent of the Secret Service 1979


Musician Stefan meets a young attractive woman Lidia. Stefan is going on tour to Austria, and Lydia, "accidentally" remembering her Viennese acquaintance, asks to give her a souvenir from Moldova. In Vienna, Stefan is met by people who are well aware of his private life and even familiar with his diary. The musician begins to suspect something is wrong, but when his daughter's well-being is threatened, Stefan becomes truly worried...



Favorit 1976


Alan York is a race horse jockey who sees his friend and chief rival jockey fall to his death during a steeplechase race. Alan knows it could not have been an accident. He pursues clues while meeting a lovely young lady and her fascinating uncle, until he finally discovers why his friend died... and why he is next to die.


Following the Sun

Following the Sun 1961


A story about a boy walking across the town following sun.



Fiddlers 1973


Leader of a traveling gypsy band from the steppes of Bessarabia (now Moldova), Toma Alistar is a skilled violinist whose fame takes him on tours around European capitals and royal courts. He remains obsessed with his first love, beautiful Leanca who was married elsewhere while Toma was traveling, and spends his life and fortune trying to find her.


Children, Sun and Snow

Children, Sun and Snow 1981


Grandfather Frost's grandson Morozik helps organize a holiday on the New Year.