Campofrío: Disfrute en vida

Campofrío: Disfrute en vida 2020


A hymn to life and a tribute "to those who left" in this difficult year are the messages that the company Campofrío launches in its traditional Christmas advertisement, which stars Quique San Francisco and Silvia Abril, among others, and is directed by Daniel Sánchez Arévalo and Paco Plaza. D.E.V ("Enjoy life") are the initials of Campofrío's 2020 Christmas campaign, a hymn to life in the form of a tribute to those who left and to "all those who continue trying every day to enjoy the gift of life", as the ad itself shows in its final part.


White Tide

White Tide 2012


MAREA BLANCA is a Corona Save The Beach documentary directed by Isabel Coixet. It is a tribute to the thousands of anonymous heroes who left everything to save the Galician coast. An example for all of us who fight for the recovery and conservation of our beaches.