Hver var Jónas?

Hver var Jónas? 2007


A documentary about the Icelandic poet Jónas Hallgrímsson


The Lake Between the Continents

The Lake Between the Continents 2000


Thingvellir actually means “Parliament Grounds”. But extensive scientific research has shown that the Thingvellir area is one of the wonders of the world and is indeed unique. The American plate and the European plate separate exactly at Thingvellir so the area and Lake Thingvallavatn are positioned between two continents. This is shown in detailed video graphic as well as in extensive aerial and close-up shots of the area. At Thingvellir we are standing on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge – we can see the ground split, Thingvellir sink and Lake Thingvallavatn grow. In flora and fauna – here is the meeting place of the East and the West. Lake Thingvallavatn is a very young – no more than 10,000 years old. However, four varieties af Arctic Char have evolved in it, and that is a world wonder. The lake is extremely clear which makes the underwater pictures of the Arctic char in their natural habitat very real.


Þórsmörk - The Hidden Walley of Thor

Þórsmörk - The Hidden Walley of Thor 1997


A breathtakingly beautiful valley between three glaciers, one of them Eyjafjallajökull. It may well have been the inspiration to Tolkien as he visited. Iceland before he started drawing the outlines of the famous Ring Trilogy. Thorsmork can only be reached with difficulty, hidden away between glaciers and trecherous rivers, but is still one of the most popular places in the country to visit. The film about Thorsmörk shows it’s beauty and lure. From bird’s eye view you will experience an overall impression of a magical landscape; where the deep green of lush plants meets the blackness of the wide sands lined with silvery bands of untamed rivers flowing through it. And right above rise magnificent glacier covered mountains. Thorsmörk’s flora, fauna and geography is explained by a narrator, guiding the viewer through the magical landscape of one of nature’s unforgetteble beauty spots.



Dimmuborgir 1994


Dimmuborgir are situated in one of Iceland’s most active volcanic zones. The film gives a clear account of the formation of this magnificant citadel of lava. The geology of the area is described and the viewer is brought into contact with its incomparable scenic beauty and birdlife as well as with the great danger facing this jewel in Icelandic landscape.