An Unwilling Cowboy

An Unwilling Cowboy 1911


Nellie and her father are from Boston, but every winter they visit San Antonio for the old man's rheumatism. Nellie is very fond of ranch life and it is her custom to spend part of the time at the Bar X, which is close by, while her father is undergoing all the delights of being "Boiled out" in the sulfur baths. Nellie meets all "the boys" and is particularly impressed with Jim Edwards, who constitutes himself her guide at the ranch. One day a horse runs away with her, and Jim neatly ropes it and thereby saves her life and wins her love.


The Redemption of Rawhide

The Redemption of Rawhide 1911


Rawhide, Arizona, was certainly some tough town when Reverend Simpson first blew in from civilization and started his campaign of redemption. From Alkali Ike to Shorty Smith, not a man of them had seen the inside of a church in fourteen years; there has never been a sermon preached in the county, and the only hymns that had ever been heard were those of the coyotes. The Rev. Simpson soon set up the "Rawhide Mission," but in spite of the hot weather, the result was a heavy frost. Nobody came even as far as the door, except Black Mike, who was drunk and who thought he was at the XXX saloon. The worthy pastor pleaded, prayed and billed the town without result.


Billy's Sister

Billy's Sister 1910


Full of booze, bluster, and fight "Black Pete," a big "bad man" of the wild west comes from the local saloon ready to put daylight through anybody and everybody within the range of his voice and the reach of his gun and, to further convince the crowd that he is the terror of the territory, lands on an inoffensive bystander knocking him down. "Billy" is an entirely different sort of a citizen; he is a young chap living with his sister whom he loves very dearly; their love is mutual. Billy has received a letter and stops on his way home in an opening in the woods to read it. While thus engaged, an Indian girl is making her way through the woods. "Black Pete" coming along the pass sees and attacks her. Billy springs to her defense and knocks "Pete" down; in falling he strikes his head on a stone and is killed.


Cowboys and Bachelor Girls

Cowboys and Bachelor Girls 1910


Nora, who is the president of the Bachelor's Club, receives a letter announcing the death of her uncle in the west and that he has made her heir to his immense fortune. Including a ranch at Grey Oaks. Nora decides to go west and take charge of the ranch and run it herself a la suffragette fashion. She invites all the girls to go with her and they start for their new home. Arriving at Grey Oaks they pay no attention to the cowboys who greet them at the station but go at once in the old stage-coach to the ranch. The cowboys follow, approach the ranch, offer their services and are rewarded by being driven from the premises. The boys make up their minds to "get next" to the girls and devise a scheme.


The Paleface Princess

The Paleface Princess 1910


In the farewell beams of evening the pioneer with his wife and child stop the prairie-schooner and strike stakes for the night. Sounds of the Indian war cry disturb the quiet calm, and seen approaching in the distance is a band of savage red men. Terror-stricken, the settler seizes his gun and stands ready to defend his family. At the first volley from the Indians' rifles he falls dead. The brave wife makes a desperate resistance to protect her child. The poor woman is quickly slain by the hostile savages, leaving the helpless babe to their mercy.


A Texas Joke

A Texas Joke 1910


A short silent film produced by Gaston Mèliès in San Antonio.


The Golden Secret

The Golden Secret 1910


A Navajo Indian has crossed the great desert, and his water bottle has been emptied. He is in a frenzy from thirst and sees mirages of water everywhere. He comes upon Nat Perry, a young settler, who is conveying his household goods across the burning sands. Perry has just taken a drink from his precious canteen when the Indian falls at his feet and implores a little water. The young pioneer heartlessly turns him over with his foot and leaves him to die.


Speed Versus Death

Speed Versus Death 1910


Braggs, the young western settler, comes into view leading his broncho while he leads his little child on the horse's back. Placing the child on the ground and watering the pony, he takes his knife from his pocket to make an extra hole in the saddle strap. The knife slips and penetrates his wrist, severing an artery. His wife comes to his assistance, makes a tourniquet with strips of her apron, jumps on the broncho's back, bids her husband to care for the child and keep up courage while she rides to town for the doctor.


The Ruling Passion

The Ruling Passion 1910


Tony Valero, a lusty young vaquero, is enamored of Clarita Montes, whose father is fairly well off, as the middle class Mexicans figure. Clarita prefers Tony to her numerous admirers, but the father has selected, for his future son-in-law, a young dandy called Jose Rodreguis, who has a certain amount of money which allows him more ease than his neighbors. Jose trades upon this fact and presses his attentions upon Clarita. He bitterly resents her preference for Tony and does all in his power to belittle his rival.


A Rough Night on the Bridge

A Rough Night on the Bridge 1910


In happy mood, a rollicking, good-natured party of "Jack Tars" on shore leave are out for a good time, and get themselves well under way in song and general good cheer by visiting the only place of merchandise and refreshment which the little seacoast town affords. Under full sail they are steering their way through the streets of the village, running foul of trees and posts, bowing in humble apology for their seeming rudeness and disturbance. They have apparently lost their "sea legs" and are a little bit unsteady in the joints, but merrily they roll along until they come to a swinging bridge crossing the river. Here is where they strike rough weather.


Out for Mischief

Out for Mischief 1910


A short silent film produced by Gaston Mèliès in San Antonio.


The Kiss of Mary Jane

The Kiss of Mary Jane 1911


Mary Jane had nursed Black Bill's wife through a spell of fever and Bill was grateful with all the fullness of his rough nature. He sent Mary Jane a necklace and a note in which he promised on his honor to someday discharge his debt. It happened later, that one of Bill's horses was stolen. Bill and his friends found the thief, and were bringing him into town to a handy tree, when they passed Mary Jane, drawing water from the old well. Bill had a drink and Mary, in pity, raised the cup to the lips of Bob Ford, the horse thief, whom she had never seen before.


The Owner of L.L. Ranch

The Owner of L.L. Ranch 1911


Lorna is a woman and she is all business when it comes to running the "L.L." Ranch and she has no trouble in handling it and the "boys" who work for her, especially "Jeff," her foreman, who gives her a hand. She evidently appreciates his services and thinks him a handy and pleasant fellow to have around, her "Runs" are the best in Texas. There is a question of title to her land. Finally the Supreme Court decides against her and she is obliged to turn the "L.L." Ranch over to Sir Reginald Coutts-Harcourt, in whose favor the decision has been made.


How Mary Met the Cowpunchers

How Mary Met the Cowpunchers 1911


Mary is from Boston, and she doesn't just take to the cow punchers as she would to the "rah-rah boys" of the Hub. Bill, who is a fellow of no small caliber, is looked upon by his companions as a sort of leader, feels a little miffed, but acknowledges she is the real goods and has some occasion to feel proud of herself; at the same time he won't stand for her snubs. The punchers await developments and make up their mind what can't be cured must be endured. The Captain, a classy chap, from a neighboring ranch, puts in his appearance, and asks Mary to go riding with him.


The Reformation of Jack Robins

The Reformation of Jack Robins 1911


Jack Robbins is a gentleman bandit. For months he has been hunted in vain by Bob Ford, the sheriff. Mary Gray, a young lady physician, comes west; Robbins befriends her and, not knowing him to be a bandit, she admires him. One day the sheriff gets close enough to Robbins to seriously wound him and he is in desperate straits. By accident Dr. Gray finds him and he becomes her patient.


In the Hot Lands

In the Hot Lands 1911


Nell, an independent and somewhat obstinate girl, receives an invitation to attend a dance. She asks her mother for money to buy a new dress. Her mother, a hard working woman, who has to toil from morn to night, feels that her request involves an unnecessary extravagance and she denies it. Nell answers her sharply and leaves in a sullen mood. While working in the hot, broiling sun, the mother is overcome with the heat.


Generous Customers

Generous Customers 1910


"Business is on the Fritz," nothing to do but complain and everything seems to be going to the "demnition bow-wows." "If things get much worse I'll close up," says the restaurateur to his waiter. "And I'll give up me job," says the waiter, "if I can't get any money out of the place." What's that? It's a "joy wagon" with a crowd of tourists: they're headed for the restaurant. Immediately the proprietor and the waiter hurriedly get a move on and hustle our to receive the guests who are soon conducted into the dining-room, served, dined and wined with alacrity that is almost magical. The host and his waiter are all smiles and are astonished as well as pleased at the liberal way in which their customers order everything and anything.


The Padre's Secret

The Padre's Secret 1910


Padre Dominguis, the village priest of a quiet little spot in old Mexico, has been on a visit to the daughter of his dead sister and is about to return to his charges. He is much surprised and more than a little pleased to find that his niece is in love with John Brown, a progressive American, who has settled among them, for the Padre is a broad-minded man and knows that Mexico needs the influx of American energy to make her a great country.


Mary's Stratagem

Mary's Stratagem 1911


Desdemona was not the only woman to have trouble over a handkerchief. It occurred to Mary also. Mary was in love with Bill, who worked on her father's ranch, and was greatly admired by all the boys. Shorty returned from town one day with a fine checkered handkerchief, which he proudly placed about his neck, strutting in front of Bill to attract his notice. The handkerchief was almost loud enough to speak for itself, so Bill noticed it all right. One of the boys sneaked it from about Shorty's neck and hung it on a nail, where Mary found it. Seeing that it was new, she placed it about her own comely neck, but alas, Othello Bill became jealous and accused her of accepting it from Shorty.



Pals 1910


Denton, a young easterner, arrives in the gold-fields, looks about for a "find" and a partner. Entering a saloon, he partakes of some refreshment, watches the patrons of the place and studies their characters, while thus engaged a young miner, named Harper, somewhat prejudiced against easterners, engages in a quarrel with a Mexican who is about to plunge a knife into the miner when Denton seizes his wrist and wrenches the weapon from his grasp. Harper thanks Denton, and after learning the eastern man's desire to find a prospecting partner, Denton loins forces with him and they start in to work a lead and strike paying dirt.