Nevarni let

Nevarni let 2023


Pilot Brodie Torrance junaško reši potnike na letalu pred udarom strele tako, da zasilno pristane na otoku, na katerem vlada vojno stanje. A kmalu ugotovi, da je bilo preživetje zasilnega pristanka le začetek. Ko večino potnikov ugrabijo nevarni uporniki, je edina oseba, na katero se Torrance lahko zanese, obtoženi morilec Louis Gaspare. Da bi rešil potnike bo Torrance potreboval Gasparejevo pomoč, kmalu pa bo tudi izvedel, da pri obtoženem morilcu ni vse tako, kot izgleda na prvi pogled.



Otrok 2023


Na Filipinih se fant bori na ilegalnih boksarskih prizoriščih. Prizadeva si, da bi zbral denar za operacijo svoje bolne filipinske matere, ob tem pa tudi išče svojega korejskega očeta. Nekega dne dobi sporočilo od svojega korejskega očeta, ki ga je povabil na srečanje v Južno Korejo. Vendar je to potovanje polno težav, saj ga preganjajo otrok, skrivnostna ženska in drugi sin njegovega korejskega očeta.


Poroka za umret

Poroka za umret 2022


Darcy in Tom za svojo sanjsko poroko zbereta svoji simpatični, vendar zelo vsiljivi in samozavestni družini na prelepem otoku, kjer pa oba začenjata dobivati pomisleke. In če to ni dovolj velika grožnja nepozabnemu praznovanju, so nenadoma ogrožena življenja vseh, saj prav vsi postanejo talci teroristicnih piratov. Zato stavek "Dokler naju smrt ne loči" dobi povsem nov pomen v tej zgodbi, kjer morata Darcy in Tom rešiti svoje ljubljene, če se prej ne pobijejo med seboj.



Tár 2022


Film se dogaja v mednarodnem svetu zahodne klasične glasbe in se osredotoča na kontraverzno Lydijo Tár, ki velja za eno največjih živečih skladateljev in dirigentov ter prvo žensko glasbeno direktorico velikega nemškega orkestra. Lydia je le nekaj dni oddaljena od snemanja simfonije, ki bo dvignila njeno kariero. Ko se zdi, da so se vsi elementi zarotili proti njej, postane Lydijina posvojena hčerka Petra nepogrešljiva čustvena podpora svoji mami v težavah.


Big Bet

Big Bet 2022


Cha Moosik runs a casino bar, only to flee to the Philippines due to a crackdown by the National Tax Service. He launches a full-fledged casino business, and strategizes winning over the political and business circles in the Philippines. However, he is suddenly framed as a suspect in Min Seokjun's death, and is tracked by Oh Seunghoon of the Korean Desk. Betrayal is rampant in the presence of money.


Almost Paradise

Almost Paradise 2020


A former DEA agent forced into early retirement runs a gift shop in in the Philippines. Despite his best efforts to begin a tranquil new life, he’s pulled back into a world of dangerous people and deadly situations, either through his friends in the local police department or running into people from his old life. And the problem is: he likes it.


Survivor Québec

Survivor Québec 2023


For over 40 days days, 20 players isolated on an exotic island in the Philippines will face extreme mental and physical challenges. They will have to use strategy to survive the eliminations in order to become the sole survivor and get their hands on the $100,000 grand prize!


Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking 2005


The story of an American Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent going undercover to stop an organization from trafficking people, and the struggles of three trafficked women.


House of Hancock

House of Hancock 2015


House of Hancock tells the epic true story of the Hancock dynasty and the bizarre love triangle that emerged between Lang, his daughter Gina, and his beautiful Filipina housekeeper Rose.



AMO 2018


Despite the Philippine government's crackdown on narcotics, high schooler Joseph expands his drug running while his cop uncle profits from corruption.



Quaranthings 2020


A series about finding love in the time of quarantine.


A Dangerous Life

A Dangerous Life 1988


The final years of the Philippines under Ferdinand Marcos' rule, from the assassination of Benigno Aquino, Jr. in 1983 to the People Power EDSA Revolution in 1986 that ousted Marcos. The film focuses on American TV journalist (Gary Busey), who finds himself in the middle of key events that lead to the downfall of the Marcos regime.


Joel & Nish Vs The World

Joel & Nish Vs The World 2017


Best friends Joel Dommett and Nish Kumar travel to locations across the globe to immerse themselves in the lives of the toughest, strongest, fittest people in the world.


The Slum

The Slum 2014


The UN predicts that by 2050, one in three people will live in a slum. But what determines where you live and how does your environment shape your health, hopes and prospects? In a special season of coverage, Al Jazeera explores our relationships with the places we call home. The six-part documentary series The Slum introduces the residents of Tondo - the most densely populated and least developed part of Manila - as they strive for success against the odds.



PinoyChap 2020


A cultural exchange as Filipino director (Rav) and British scriptwriter (Adam) discuss topics such as the film industry, food and other things.