Misija: Nemogoče 3

Misija: Nemogoče 3 2006


Tajni agent in operativec vohunske agencije Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) se je upokojil, da bi lahko uril mlade agente IMF. Vendar ga nadrejeni prisilijo v akcijo, kjer se bo moral soočiti s svojim najbolj smrtonosnim nasprotnikom dotlej. Sadistični prekupčevalec z orožjem in prodajalec informacij Owen Davian (Philip Seymour Hoffman) je človek brez vesti in zmožnosti obžalovanja. Hunt zbere svojo ekipo: starega prijatelja Luthra Strickella (Ving Rhames), strokovnjaka za transport Declana (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), agentko za podporo Zhen (Maggie Q) ter novinko pri vohunski službi Lindsey (Keri Russell). Po vsem svetu bodo morali preganjati Daviana in rešiti Huntovo ljubezen Julio (Michelle Monaghan).



仮面ライダーリバイス 2021


In 1971, a scientific expedition in Latin America had uncovered an ancient artifact containing the remains of the demon Giff, leading to the creation of the Vistamps. In the present day, the remains of Giff now lie in the hands of a demon cult called the Deadmans, who seek to resurrect him by converting peoples' inner demons into their fold. Fenix, a governmental organization opposing the Deadmans, have developed the Revice Driver for someone with complete control over their inner demon. Ikki Igarashi, a young man who runs a public bath with his family, comes into acquisition of the belt while forming a contract with his inner demon Vice. Together, as Kamen Rider Revi and Vice, they are Kamen Rider Revice!