Pika na potepu

Pika na potepu 1970


Tomaž in Anica imata doma probleme. Ne smeta zamujati, ne smeta brati za mizo, prati si morata vrat in ušesa. Ko imata vsega dovolj zbežita od doma. Pridruži se jima tudi Pika. Še prvo noč doživijo strašno nevihto, pred katero se umaknejo v zapuščeno hišo, kjer srečajo prodajalca čarobnih past, s pomočjo katerih Pika hodi po stropu in zidovih. Doživljajo različne avanture, od tega da si skušajo s petjem zaslužiti nekaj denarja, do tega da skoraj pristanejo v zaporu. Se bodo vrnili domov?



Mythos 1970


Mythos is a three-part documentary that consists of a series of lectures given by Joseph Campbell. Campbell conceived of the original lectures, filmed over the last six years of his life, as a summation of what he had learned about the human mythic impulse, in terms of psychology, ethnology and comparative mythology—what he called "the one great story of mankind."


The Power of Myth

The Power of Myth 1988


The Power of Myth is a television series originally broadcast on PBS in 1988 as Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth. The documentary comprises six one-hour conversations between mythologist Joseph Campbell and journalist Bill Moyers.