Krojač iz Paname

Krojač iz Paname 2001


Odličen film je posnet po romanu Johna Le Carréja. Dogajanje je postavljeno v leto 1999. Panamski prekop, ki je bil do sedaj pod nadzorom Američanov, je zdaj ponovno v rokah panamske vlade. V Panami se znajde tudi brezobziren angleški vohun Andy Osnard, ki se je v domovini zapletel v škandal, zato so ga izgnali sem. Kmalu spozna angleškega krojača Harryja, ki v Panami živi z ženo Louiso, po rodu Američanko. Andy Harryja reši iz finančne stiske, vendar mu mora Harry v zameno pomagati pri zbiranju informacij o tem, kaj namerava državni vrh storiti s Panamskim prekopom. Andy naredi načrt, kako bo prelisičil britansko vlado in vse okrog sebe


The Thief, His Wife and the Canoe

The Thief, His Wife and the Canoe 2022


The extraordinary and compelling story of how John Darwin faked his own death to claim life insurance and avoid bankruptcy will be told in The Thief, His Wife and the Canoe. The drama relates how Anne Darwin's husband, a prison officer, came up with the hare-brained scheme to defraud insurance companies, unbeknownst to their two sons.


Beyond the Edge

Beyond the Edge 2022


Nine celebrities trade their worlds of luxury to live in the dangerous jungles of Panama, where they face off in epic adventures and endure the most brutal conditions, as they push themselves to go far beyond their comfort zone. From the producers of “Naked and Afraid” comes the most intense celebrity adventure ever attempted, where only teamwork, perseverance and finding the inner strength they never knew they possessed can get them through another day and raise money for their chosen charities.



Jungletown 2017


In the depths of the Panamanian jungle an American entrepreneur and hundreds of young people are building the “world's most sustainable modern town.”


Backpackers of the Caribbean

Backpackers of the Caribbean 2016


Karl and James went sailing through the Caribbean paradise of the San Blas Islands, before arriving in Colombia and trekking through the jungle to The Lost City. After relaxing in Palomino and Taganga we head into Venezuela, to journey to Angel Falls, the highest waterfall on the planet, and then discover the lost world of Roraima mountain.