
Padec 2022


Za najboljši prijateljici Becky in Hunter je smisel življenja v premikanju mej in premagovanju strahu. Ko se povzpneta na več kot 600 metrov visok radijski stolp, se zgodi nepričakovano - na vrhu obtičita brez možnosti poti navzdol. Njune plezalske sposobnost so s tem postavljene pred največjo preizkušnjo, saj se morata na vrtoglavi višini boriti za preživetje v nemogočih vremenskih razmerah in pomanjkanju zalog.



Stolpnica 2012


Na božični večer se v luksuznem kompleksu visoke stolpnice v centru Seula odvija razkošna zabava za stanovalce in ugledne goste. Da bi osupnil goste in pričaral pravo božično vzdušje, organizator zabave najame helikopterja, ki krožita okrog stolpnice in trosita umetni sneg. Povabljeni so navdušeni nad spektaklom. Toda ko eden izmed helikopterjev nenadoma strmoglavi, se vsi prisotni znajdejo v pravi nočni mori, saj stavbo zajamejo ognjeni zublji in vsak izmed njih se mora boriti za preživetje.


Tower of God

Tower of God 2020


Reach the top, and everything will be yours. At the top of the tower exists everything in this world, and all of it can be yours. You can become a god. This is the story of the beginning and the end of Rachel, the girl who climbed the tower so she could see the stars, and Bam, the boy who needed nothing but her.


Beyblade X

Beyblade X 2023


Beginner blader Robin Kazami joins up with influencer Multi Nana-iro and former champion Jaxon Cross to form this unlikely trio - ready to climb to the top of The X and win the title of champion blader!


Welcome to the Wayne

Welcome to the Wayne 2018


The Wayne is a high-rise apartment building in New York City. Ansi, Olly and his sister Saraline are friends who call themselves Team Timber, dedicated to exploring the ever-growing mysteries of “Wayne Phenomena” in the building they call home. All manner of action, adventure and otherworldly awesomeness could be right down the hall – or twelve floors up! You never know what’s in store behind a Wayne door