
Tumbledown 2015


Hannah poskuša preboleti smrt moža, katerega glasbena slava pritegne tudi zanimanje prodornega newyorškega pisatelja Andrewa. Hannah sprva ne želi sodelovati z vsiljivim tujcem, toda naposled se odloči o možu napisati biografijo, pri tem pa bi ji s svojimi izkušnjami lahko pomagal prav Andrew. Povabi ga v domače, podeželsko mesto in počasi začne z njim deliti svoje življenjske skrivnosti, ob tem pa se nevede tudi sama znajde na počasni in boleči, toda neizogibno nujni poti soočanja s čustvi izgube in iskanja novega življenjskega smisla.


Garfunkel and Oates

Garfunkel and Oates 2014


The comic/folk duo Riki Lindhome and Kate Micucci hit prime time with their act in this scripted series for IFC. It follows hard-working underdogs trying to make their mark in comedy while muddling through messy dating scenarios, and doing so by performing one satirical (and often quite saucy) song after another. Nothing stops the ukulele- and guitar-wielding twosome from singing about life's unspoken truths, despite it leaving them detached from their peers. The series is titled after Lindhome and Micucci's band name, inspired by "two famous rock 'n' roll second bananas," Art Garfunkel and John Oates.