
Darilo 2015


Srečno poročena Simon in Robyn se preselita v razkošno novo hišo, ko po naključju naletita na Simonovega nekdanjega sošolca Gorda. Ko jima pošlje drago darilo, ga povabita na večerjo, toda Simon ni navdušen nad obujanjem starih prijateljstev. Ko se darila kopičijo, Gordovi obiski pa postajajo vedno bolj neprijetni, ga želita odsloviti, toda Gordo pokaže pravi obraz in Simonu zagrozi z razkritjem skrivnosti iz preteklosti.


Camera Shy

Camera Shy 2022


Camera Shy is a 10-episode LGBTQIA+ TikTok web series filmed from the perspective of a laptop camera. Ellie, a budding photographer accidentally takes an online desk job at a school photography company and finds herself having to prove to her boss that she is worthy of a photographer position. Meanwhile, she has discovered she has a crush on her roommate Sam, causing her to be distracted from her work which unfortunately all her co-workers can hear as her microphone isn't on mute. Helen, Ellie's grandma (Sam's best friend) comes to stay, and it isn't long before she realises they like each other and makes it her mission to get the two together.