Resnica o Kellyjevi tolpi

Resnica o Kellyjevi tolpi 2019


Kelly odrašča v družini irskih priseljencev, ki so se naselili na robu avstralske divjine. To je območje, kjer se zakoni spoštujejo (in uveljavljajo) precej podobno kot na bolj razvpitem ameriškem Divjem zahodu. Z lokalnimi oblastmi je imel probleme že Nedov oče. V spletki, ki jo zakuha lokalni, skorumpirani policist, Nedu v rosnih letih umre oče. Pod svoje okrilje ga vzame Harry Power, konjski tat, in ga nauči vseh pravil svoje dejavnosti. Zakon zanju seveda ne velja, prostrana dežela pa tudi nudi ogromno možnosti za skrivanje in razbojništvo. Z vsakim srečanjem z organi pregona mladenič zabrede globlje v brezno kriminala in njegova podoba se kmalu znajde na tiralicah. Okoli sebe zbere skupino razbojnikov, ki postanejo državni sovražniki številka ena.


The Last Outlaw

The Last Outlaw 1980


An unmistakable Australian icon - a smoking revolver, two piercing eyes behind a makeshift mask of armour. But beyond the armour, behind the eyes was a man both ruthless and gentle, rugged and kind - the infamous last outlaw, Ned Kelly was his name. Both revered and reviled throughout the ages Ned Kelly was an Irish-Australian battler-cum-bushranger, fiercely independent and pushed into action by the repressive colonial authorities of the time. The Last Outlaw examines the life of Ned Kelly, and expounds the legend from early indiscretions and the formation of his gang through to the violent killings at Stringy Bark Creek, culminating in his explosive last stand and shoot out at Glenrowan. The Last Outlaw is a remarkable four-part miniseries presentation that deflects historical judgement and allows the legend to live on.