Pravi fantje

Pravi fantje 1983


Film govori o petnajstih letih ameriškega vesoljskega programa in se osredotoča na izvirno posadko projekta Mercury. Scott Glenn upodobi Alana Sheparda, prvega Američana v vesolju; Fred Ward je Gus Grissom, astronavt, ki se mu nič ne izide po načrtih; Ed Harris igra Johna Glenna, prvega Američana, ki je obkrožil Zemljo. Soočajo se z nevarnostmi in skrbmi, ki pestijo astronavte (med drugim se Glenn ves čas pritožuje, da je težko biti samozavesten, če veš, da je tvojo raketo zgradil najcenejši ponudnik), pa tudi z osebnimi krizami, ki vključujejo njihove družine (Glennova žena Annie, ki jeclja, se boji televizijskega intervjuja, medtem ko je Grissomova žena Betty jezna, da njenega moža nimajo za junaka, ker njegova misija ni uspela, in grenko izjavi: "Hočem svoj trenutek slave!"). Prikazan je tudi razkol med brezmadežno podobo Mercuryjevih pilotov v javnosti in njihovo včasih precej prostaško naravo.



Gog 1954



Space Force

Space Force 2020


A four-star general begrudgingly teams up with an eccentric scientist to get the U.S. military's newest agency — Space Force — ready for lift-off.


From the Earth to the Moon

From the Earth to the Moon 1998


The story of the United States' space program, from its beginnings in 1961 to the final moon mission in 1972.



Space 1985


Space is a television mini-series. It is based on a novel of the same name by James A. Michener published in 1982.


NASA: A Journey Through Space

NASA: A Journey Through Space 2016


On May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy made a historic speech where he pledged to send astronauts to the moon before the end of the decade. Eight years later, on July 20, 1969, Apollo commander Neil Armstrong stepped out of the lunar module and made a giant leap for mankind - a step that symbolized one of the most remarkable feats in human history. From that moment on, the exploration of our universe has achieved unimaginable feats with hundreds of missions stretching light years into the distant galaxy. This exciting documentary series takes viewers into the past, present and future of NASA.


Star City

Star City 1970


A propulsive, paranoid thriller that takes us back to the key moment in the alt-history retelling of the space race — when the Soviet Union became the first nation to put a man on the moon. But this time, the story is explored from behind the Iron Curtain, showing the lives of the cosmonauts, the engineers and the intelligence officers embedded among them in the Soviet space program, and the risks they all took to propel humanity forward.


Engineering Space

Engineering Space 2017


This is the story of the unsung heroes who took America into space.