Ugrabljena 3

Ugrabljena 3 2014


Miroljubni družinski mož in oče Bryan Mills (nekdanji agent z zanimivo in bogato preteklostjo) ne beži več pred najhujšimi zločinci zdajšnjih časov, temveč pred policijo Los Angelesa, Cio in FBI-jem. Te vodi Franck Dotzler (Forest Whitaker), potem ko Mills (Liam Neeson) med aretacijo pobegne policiji. Kajti Bryanu je nekdo podtaknil umor nekdanje soproge (Famke Jansen), v nevarnosti pa je tudi njegova hči Kim (Maggie Grace), ki je zdaj uspešna študentka na univerzi UCLA.


Nore na denar

Nore na denar 2008


Ko Bridgetin mož nazaduje na delovnem mestu in jima grozi izguba hiše in udobnega življenja, se skrbna gospodinja odloči sprejeti službo čistilke v državni banki. Tam spozna odločno samohranilko Nino in zasanjano mladenko Jackie, s katerima po številnih nesporazumih sklene prijateljstvo. Ne traja dolgo in trojica se odloči, da bodo ukradle denar, namenjen uničenju, toda zaradi drobnih napak se na videz preprost načrt spremeni v popoln kaos.


Hollywoodska prevara

Hollywoodska prevara 2020


Producent Max Barber je po svojih številnih filmskih polomijah do vratu zadolžen pri mafijskemu šefu Reggieju Fontaineju. Ker je ogroženo njegovo življenje, se Max odloči, da bo produciral nov film, med snemanjem pa ubil glavnega kaskaderja in pobral visoko zavarovalníno. Ko v film zvabi ostarelo zvezdo Dukea Montano, ne pričakuje, da bo starega pijanca kamera znova oživela. Ker Dukea ne uspe ubiti med izvajanjem preprostega prizora, ga Max postavlja v vedno nevarnejše situacije. In ko Duke preživi eno kaskadersko akcijo za drugo, se zdi, da bo Max posnel najboljši film v svoji karieri.



Boomerang 2015


Karine and Patrick are a loving but debt-ridden couple. Their only solution is to swallow their pride and accept to sleep in Karine’s parents’ basement –with all the conditions and sacrifices the new situation brings …


House of Fortune

House of Fortune 2016


Qian Renjie and Luo Shuping decide to sell their HDB flat and upgrade into a condominium. However, the upgrade comes with a hefty price, leaving the couple with no savings. Renjie’s sister, Qian Meiling, loves to purchase things on instalments. Her husband, Wu Guolun, is a spendthrift who is burdened with expensive car instalments. At work, Renjie is being oppressed by his superior and he resigns in a huff. Meanwhile, Shuping’s tactless nature gets the better of her and she soon finds herself under-performing at work. Guolun decides to pursue his dreams as a lyricist and quits his job. He spends a lot of effort on his songwriting but the response is underwhelming. To fulfil his dream, Guolun sells off his house for cash to start a music studio. Unfortunately, his partner fled with the money. Meiling hears that she has a relative who owns a bungalow, a senile old man named Qian Laoshi.


Back in the Game

Back in the Game 2018


Former MLB player Alex Rodriguez mentors former pro athletes and entertainers find themselves in serious financial distress and need help getting back on their feet.


The Beggar Bride

The Beggar Bride 1997


The Beggar Bride was a British two-part television programme adapted from the Gillian White novel of the same name.


I lomma på Silje

I lomma på Silje 2019


Silje Sandmæl gets insight into Norwegian celebrities' accounts to teach them a thing or two about how they spend their money.


The Briefcase

The Briefcase 2015


THE BRIEFCASE features hard-working American families experiencing financial setbacks who are presented with a briefcase containing a large sum of money and a potentially life-altering decision: they can keep all of the money for themselves, or give all or part of it to another family in need.