Levji kralj

Levji kralj 1994


Zgodba o levjem princu Simbi, nasledniku kralja živali, katerega zahrbtno umori njegov oportunistični brat. Medtem ko stric vlada z železno šapo, princ odrašča onkraj savane in živi po filozofiji »brez skrbi do konca svojih dni«. Toda ko ga njegova preteklost začne preganjati, se mora mladi princ odločiti o svoji usodi: ali bo ostal izobčenec ali pa se bo soočil s svojimi demoni in postal to, kar mora biti?


Pijevo življenje

Pijevo življenje 2012


Režiser oskarjevskih filmov Prežeči tiger, skriti zmaj in Gora Brokeback predstavlja priredbo priljubljenega romana Yanna Martela, v katerem spoznamo 16-letnega mladeniča Pija Patela. Po brodolomu tovorne ladje se Pi znajde sam sredi oceana, družbo v čolnih pa mu delajo tiger, orangutan, hijena in ranjena zebra. Pi skuša preživeti neizprosne zakone narave, ki jih narekujejo živali, od tem pa se spominja svoje mladosti. Toda njegovo dojemanje resničnosti z vsakim dnem osame postaja bolj in bolj prepleteno s prividi in domišljijo.


Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty

Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty 2021


Continuing the compelling saga of the heartstring-tugging, dramatic tale of survival revolving around three families of meerkats who are descendants of the legendary meerkat matriarch, Flower. Neighbors and rivals who share a bloodline are forced to compete for food and resources in an environment that is undergoing a great deal of change: the Kalahari Desert in South Africa.


Meet the Sloths

Meet the Sloths 2013


Meet The Sloths follows a year in the life of five slow-moving residents of the Aviarios Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica, a sanctuary dedicated to saving orphaned or injured sloths. Filmmaker Lucy Cooke headed to the sanctuary to follow the stories of these loveable and unique creatures. And, apart from filming adorable videos – including one that’s got two million hits on YouTube – she has captured a unique insight into these very secretive animals. The stories demonstrate the difficulty in caring for sloths, and stories include: baby sloth twins fighting for survival, an injured and sexually frustrated ex-lothario sloth called, naturally, Randy and at the oldest living sloth in captivity that has lived to the ripe old age of 20-years-old. Over a year in their company Lucy watches as an unlikely soap opera of love, loss and lust develops and learns first hand that although slow on their feet, a sloths life is anything but slothful.