
Sissi 1955


Mladi cesar Franz Joseph je na poti v poletno rezidenco v Ischlu, kjer bo velika zabava za njegov rojstni dan. Njegova mati, nadvojvoda Sofi, se je odločila, da se bo poročil s svojo nečakinjo princeso Helene iz Bavarske in da bo zaroka razglašena na plesu. Franz Joseph še ne pozna Helene, vendar je njegova mati že pripravila vse. Da bi se izognila sumu v to, kaj se dogaja, njena sestra, vojvodinja Ludovika iz Bavarske, pripelje ne samo princeso Helene, ki jo imenuje Néné, ampak tudi nekoliko mlajšo princeso Elisabeth, ki jo kličejo Sissi. Nadvojvodinja Sophie je posebno pozorna na strogo etiketo na dvoru, in ne marajo njene nečakinje Sissi, ki je svobodnega duha, prav tako kot njen oče, vojvoda Max iz Bavarske. Da bi bila Sissi neaktivna, je bila njena soba v Ischlu zaprta od zunaj, toda Sissi uide skozi okno. Gre gozd, in ko lovi ribe jo opazi cesar Franz Jožef...


Sisi in jaz

Sisi in jaz 2023


Pozno 19. stoletje. Neporočena madžarska grofica Irma Sztáray postane dvorna dama cesarice Sisi. Sprva živita svobodno življenje na Krfu, kar kmalu povzroči napetosti in reakcije na Dunaju. Ne glede na to, koliko se obe temu upirata, ima usoda zanju drugačne načrte, kar ju bo povezala za vedno.



Sisi 2009




Sisi 2021


"Sisi" follows the extraordinary life of Empress Elisabeth of Austria. Modern, honest, and authentic. Told from the perspective of her closest confidants, the series takes a new look at the empress' life and reveals a multi-layered woman.


The Empress

The Empress 2022


Two young people meet. A fateful encounter - the proverbial love at first sight. He is Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary, she is Elisabeth von Wittelsbach, Princess of Bavaria and the sister of the woman Franz is to marry…


Fall of Eagles

Fall of Eagles 1974


"Fall of Eagles" is a 13-part British television drama aired by the BBC in 1974. The series portrays historical events from 1848 to 1918, dealing with the collapse of the ruling dynasties of Austria-Hungary (the Habsburgs), Germany (the Hohenzollerns) and Russia (the Romanovs).



Sisi 2009



On the Rails of the Double Headed Eagle

On the Rails of the Double Headed Eagle 2014


The railway age in the Austrian Empire began with the construction of the horse-drawn railway from Linz to Budweis. Plans soon followed to connect the imperial capital of Vienna with the iron and coal deposits in northern Moravia and with the port city of Trieste. In 1837 the Kaiser Ferdinands Nordbahn was opened, in 1857 the Semmeringbahn planned by Karl Ritter von Ghega, overcoming one of the most difficult obstacles on the way to the Adriatic. The crossing of the Alps by train, such as over the Arlberg or the Brenner, is still considered a unique engineering masterpiece. The expansion of the railway network brought epochal changes. Goods and people circulated on an unprecedented scale – life accelerated. It had succeeded in connecting the northern crown lands such as Silesia or Bohemia and Moravia with Carinthia, Tyrol or the coastal region.