Vrnitev v deželo zombijev

Vrnitev v deželo zombijev 2019


Deset let po Dobrodošli v deželi zombijev so naši junaki (ubijalci zombijev) ponovno združili moči v novem filmu, ki se v humorističnem kaosu odvija od Bele hiše vse do notranjosti ZDA, kjer se bodo spopadali z novimi vrstami stvorov, ki so se razvili od prvega filma, pa tudi z nekaterimi preživelimi ljudmi. Predvsem pa se bodo morali spopasti z glavoboli, ki jih bo povzročalo pikro vzdušje znotraj novonastale družine.


Ameriška pita: Poroka

Ameriška pita: Poroka 2003


Leta so minila, odkar smo nazadnje videli skupino East Great Falls High. Zdaj se bosta Jim in Michelle poročila, pred poroko pa morata organizirati dekliško zabavo, ki jo seveda vodi Stifler. Da bo popoln, bodo poskušali ponovno združiti skupino.



Emma 1996



Izgubljena med valovi

Izgubljena med valovi 2018


Zvezdi filmov Razcepljeni in Krive so zvezde, Shailene Woodley in Sam Claflin (Ob tebi, Igre lakote) skupaj v filmu, navdihnjenem z resničnimi dogodki o paru, ki sta se znašla sredi največjega orkanav zgodovini. Film je posnet po resnični zgodbi o Tami Oldham in njenem zaročencu Richardu Sharpu, ki sta se odpravila na potovanje prek oceana in nista slutila, da ju bo zajel najmočnejši orkan v zgodovini. Tami se po orkanu prebudi in najde uničeno barko in težko poškodovanega Richarda. Brez navigacije ali kakšnih drugih pripomočkov bo morala Tami najti moč, da bi ju spravila nazaj na varno.



Catastrophe 2015


Rob Delaney and Sharon Horgan write and star in a comedy that follows an American man and an Irish woman who make a bloody mess as they struggle to fall in love in London.


The Bachelor

The Bachelor 2013


The series revolves around a single bachelor (deemed eligible) and a pool of romantic interests, which could include a potential wife for the bachelor. The conflicts in the series, both internal and external, stem from the elimination-style format of the show. Early in the season, the bachelor goes on large group dates with the women, with the majority of women eliminated during rose ceremonies. As the season progresses, women are also eliminated on one-on-one dates and on elimination two-on-one dates. The process culminates with hometown visits to the families of the final few women, overnight dates, should they choose to accept, at exotic locations with the final three women, and interaction with the bachelor's family with the final two women. In many cases, the bachelor proposes to his final selection.


The Ultimatum: France

The Ultimatum: France 2022


Six couples on the cusp of lifelong love are hit with an ultimatum: Get engaged or break up. Before they decide, they’ll swap partners for three weeks.


101st Proposal

101st Proposal 2004


Li Shao Rong is an elegant and talented orchestra cellist who meets up with Zheng Jin Tai, a less-than-handsome-looking man who has walked long, unfortunate and ill-fated love roads. It is heart-touching and engaging to watch Jin Tai's devotion, sincerity and persistent love attitudes still shine through even after 99 unsuccessful proposals. There are right turns and wrong twists in their lives, especially with the appearance of Jun Shi, a charismatic rich man. Practice makes perfect. Will Jin Tai's next proposal win him a bride or will his proposals keep tallying up? Romanticize yourself with this series that speaks right to the heart!


The 101st Proposal

The 101st Proposal 1991


101st Marriage Proposal is a "Beauty and the Beast" story starring Takeda Tetsuya (Virgin Road, 3-nen B-gumi Kinpachi Sensei) as a down-on-his-luck man who has gone through 99 omiai (arranged dates with the intention of marriage if the date goes well). Not particularly smart, nor handsome, nor rich, he is a man who cannot lie and of course, has a heart of pure gold. On the 100th omiai, he meets Kaoru (Asano Atsuko), an extremely beautiful and talented cellist who can't forget her dead fiancee.


Contra viento y marea

Contra viento y marea 2017


In-love couples decide to make the most important decision of their lives: getting married. Having everything against them... will they be able to stick together against the odds and marry?