Giulio De Santi Taeter Burger Adam Chaplin Taeter City Hotel Inferno Hotel Inferno Hotel Inferno Taeter City Taeter City Taeter City Infidus Infidus Adam Chaplin Adam Chaplin Suite 313 Taeter City Infidus Infidus Taeter Burger Taeter Burger The Mildew from Planet Xonader The Mildew from Planet Xonader Hotel Inferno IV: The Forest of Decay Hotel Inferno IV: The Forest of Decay Hotel Inferno 2: The Cathedral of Pain Gastric Combat Gastric Combat Hotel Inferno 2: The Cathedral of Pain Hotel Inferno 3: The Castle of Screams Hotel Inferno 3: The Castle of Screams Little Necro Red Little Necro Red Adam Chaplin 2: Reborn from Hell Adam Chaplin 2: Reborn from Hell