Twelve Monkeys

Twelve Monkeys 1995


سال 2035 ۾، سزا ڏيندڙ جيمس ڪول رضاڪارانه طور تي رضاڪارانه طور تي وقت تي واپس موڪليو ويو ته جيئن هڪ موذي وائرس جي اصليت کي دريافت ڪيو وڃي جنهن تقريبن سموري زمين جي آبادي کي ختم ڪري ڇڏيو ۽ زنده ماڻهن کي زير زمين برادرين ڏانهن مجبور ڪيو. پر جڏهن ڪول غلطيءَ سان 1990 جي بدران 1996 ڏانهن موڪليو ويو، هن کي گرفتار ڪيو ويو ۽ ذهني اسپتال ۾ بند ڪيو ويو. اتي هن سان ملاقات ٿئي ٿي نفسيات جي ماهر ڊاڪٽر ڪيٿرين ريلي، ۽ مريض جيفري گوئنس، هڪ مشهور وائرس ماهر جو پٽ، جيڪو شايد پراسرار روگ گروپ جي ڪنجي رکي ٿو، آرمي آف 12 بندر، سمجهي ٿو ته قاتل بيماري کي ختم ڪرڻ لاء ذميوار آهي.






Hard Cell

Hard Cell 2022


A Netflix comedy series written and directed by Catherine Tate set in a women's prison. Tate plays multiple characters as a documentary crew follows the inmates and staff of HMP Woldsley capturing the penal system at its brutal humorous best.


Escape at Dannemora

Escape at Dannemora 2018


The stranger-than-fiction account of a prison break in upstate New York in the summer of 2015, which spawned a massive manhunt for two convicted murderers who were aided in their escape by a married female prison employee with whom they both became sexually entangled.



Karagar 2022


A prisoner appears in Akashnagar Central Jail's Cell No.145, which has been shut for 50 years, and claims immortality. Who is this mystery man, and what secrets does he hold inside him?