Molds and How They Grow

Molds and How They Grow 1969


In this educational film, laboratory demonstrations show the effects of moisture and temperature on the growth of molds. Photomicrography reveals the structure of molds: hyphae, mycelium, spore balls, spores. Beginning with spores on a rice culture, time-lapse photography shows the formation of a new colony.


Zoo Babies (Observing Things About Us)

Zoo Babies (Observing Things About Us) 1955


Answers questions about zoo animals and their offspring. Shows physical characteristics and habits of baby monkeys, gnus, kudus, lions, peacocks, alligators and bears.


Inheriting Your Physical Traits

Inheriting Your Physical Traits 1970


This educational film from 1970 traces the inheritance of traits such as sex, eye color, height, and weight, showing the role of chromosomes and genes in determining their development.


Life in a Pond

Life in a Pond 1949


This educational film shows the development and interdependence of organisms in a pond.


Schubert and His Music

Schubert and His Music 1954


Describes the life of Franz Schubert. Explains the character of his music and conveys the flavor of early 19th century Vienna which influenced his compositions.


North America: Its Rivers

North America: Its Rivers 1971


Explores the distinctive features of the major rivers of the continent, and discusses their contributions to the farming, recreation, transportation and hydroelectric power of North America.


Handel and His Music

Handel and His Music 1957


Presents Handel as a key figure in the development of Baroque music. Illustrates with musical selections his contributions to 18th century music including the oratorio form perfected in 'THE MESSIAH.'


Mozart and His Music

Mozart and His Music 1954


Mozart's life and music are described against a background of the 18th century and of the European cities which influenced his career. Stresses the classic character of his compositions.


Color and Pigment in Art

Color and Pigment in Art 1967


Demonstrates by use of a glass prism that white light is actually a combination of several colors, which can be reproduced by pigments. Shows how three primary colors can be mixed to make secondary colors and, in turn, intermediate colors. Presents the dimensions of color -- hue, value and intensity -- and illustrates how color combinations create effects and moods.


Measurement of Electricity

Measurement of Electricity 1949


This educational film from the 1940s teaches the fundamental definitions of, and the physical concepts involved in, volt, ampere, ohm and watt.


North American Regions: The Rocky Mountains

North American Regions: The Rocky Mountains 1967


Presents a geographic overview of the Rocky Mountain region. Discusses the significant role that this region of natural resources has played in the development of the continent


Home Nursing: Fundamentals

Home Nursing: Fundamentals 1953


Illustrates various techniques and household arrangements for caring for the convalescent patient at home. Shows ways of arranging the sick room, making the beds, washing and serving the patient, caring for the thermometer, and removing soiled linens. Pictures the distribution of chores among the family members and demonstrates some necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the illness.


Anatomy of a Teenage Engagement (Second Edition of the Meaning of Engagement)

Anatomy of a Teenage Engagement (Second Edition of the Meaning of Engagement) 1970


Observes a newly engaged couple as they wrestle with the fears and doubts nurtured by socio-economic differences, family pressures, immaturity, and ambivalent desires. Listens to their secret thoughts and wishes as each tries to cope with the anxiety and frustration-filled situations. States a position for an engagement, long enough to resolve second thoughts and to get to know one another and themselves.


North America: Its Plains and Plateaus

North America: Its Plains and Plateaus 1971


This documentary shows the characteristics and location of major plains and plateaus of North America, and discusses some of the ways in which they have affected man's use of the land.


The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court 1948


Follows a case from inception, through the lower courts, to final hearing before the Supreme Court. Shows the Supreme Court as the guardian of constitutional rights. Explains its various functions, powers and scope of jurisdiction.


The Barn Swallow

The Barn Swallow 1968


To show the habitat, life cycle and typical activities of the Barn Swallow.


Soil: What It Is and What It Does

Soil: What It Is and What It Does 1966


Explains that different kinds of soil are mixtures of sand, clay, and humus; tells how the weathering of rocks helps make soil; includes simple experiments to show the kind of soil in which different plants grow well.


The Reformation

The Reformation 1955


Explains the reformation in terms of the church, the cultural rebirth brought about by the Renaissance, the emergence of national states and the new interpretations of the scriptures. Devotes special attention to Luther and the Protestant Reformation in Germany.


Map Skills: Recognizing Physical Features

Map Skills: Recognizing Physical Features 1970


Physical features such as gulf, peninsula, island, etc, are defined and basic principles of using colors to show elevation are illustrated with models.