Prop and Berta

Prop and Berta 2001


Prop & Berta is the story of a friendship between a little stout man and a big and proud cow, who are able to talk to each other. Together they confront an ugly and evil witch who is determined to get rid of them because they have moved into a house on the edge of her wood. The witch hates neighbours and through magic and evil planning she turns Prop and Berta's friends, the Teeny burpers, into dangerous hoodlums who begin to terrorize the nearby town. Prop and Berta manage to overcome the witch and turn her into a good person, restoring peace in the little town and breaking the spell which binds their friends.


Hedgehogs and The City

Hedgehogs and The City 2012


One spring morning, animals wake up from their winter sleep and find that their forest is taken over by people who have built a city there. They understand they need to find new survival strategies and learn to earn money.


Henry the Great

Henry the Great 2023


After returning to his homeland, Baltaine's bacon pie Henry The Great reveals that his homeland has been taken over by Oriental pies under the terrible leadership of Tsar Aivens, and there is nothing left but to start a heroic fight for the liberation of the homeland.


Smile, My Friend!

Smile, My Friend! 2007


There is a huge uproar in the forest: Beaver’s teeth have been stolen. Detective Owl and his assistant Piglet are to investigate this mysterious crime. Several forest inhabitants appear to be possible suspects, but the guilty one is not so easily discovered.


The New Species

The New Species 2008


An entomologist finds a new type of bug in the meadow and would be glad to add it to his collection. But bugs don’t want to be museum objects – the two bug girls have to find a way to save their parents.


Angry Bag

Angry Bag 2022


Two boys find an unusual plastic bag with no handle. It turns out to be alive, moving around and being angry because it has become useless to everyone. The angry bag together with the boys is trying to find a new meaning of its life and a new use for other plastic bags that have become real trash hooligans.



Brickannia 2000


There is a planet near Earth where strange creatures live. They look like birds and they eat meteorites. Although their behaviours seem strange and completely different from ours, we have a lot more in common than it might seem at first.


London Holidays

London Holidays 2019


The men of The Rescue Team are finally on holidays and are traveling on their yellow boat through the English Channel. The satellite phone is ringing; London's famous Big Ben has broken down, so The Rescue Team rush to fix it. Morning comes and Big Ben is working again! However, when its time to ring comes around, the solution found by The Rescue Team is a great surprise to the Queen of England...


Secrets of Paris

Secrets of Paris 2018


Electricity goes off at the Eiffel tower security guard’s office. The guard tries to repair it, but he doesn't succeed, so he calls for “The Rescue Team”. The team arrives in their yellow plane and start the rescue operation by fixing cables. Initially, it works out well, but then the light suddenly goes off in all city of Paris, and the portrait of Mona Lisa disappears from the darkened Louvre Museum. However, things will work out fine in the end!



Firefly 2003


Otis, a young firefly, is in trouble. He wants a girlfriend and he can't get his light to shine as bright as the others.



Waikiki 2017


A brown cacao ball and white marshmallow girl “from different shelves” accidentally meet at a confectionery. Neither the brown, nor the white relatives wish to accept the stranger of a different colour and try to cover the differences with either sugar or cocoa powder. Against all odds, friends find their land of happiness.


The Dust

The Dust 2018


Small dust creatures live on the bookshelf and find the world around them to be their home. One of them, a little wise Dusty, suddenly encounters a boy. Their friendship turns the boring everyday life into a great adventure...



Cats 2002


A cat's "songs" late at night interrupt the retired man's sleep. The noise is getting intolerable and the old man calls The Rescue Team. They arrive immediately, without even finishing their supper.


Upside Down

Upside Down 2023


Andulis, a little bat, wakes up at the wrong time and discovers that he, unlike his fellow bats, loves sunlight and warmth. After making friends with Little Mouse, who looks almost like him, Andulis is surprised to find out that, unlike his own dwelling, Little Mouse’s house is not upside down.



Vasa 2014


An exceptional museum in Sweden houses the Vasa sailboat – a ship that has been lifted out from the bottom of the sea where it ended up after an unfortunate maiden voyage. One day, the museum staff notice a rat in the boat’s hull and begin setting traps to catch the rodent before it damages this brilliant museum piece; however, as it turns out, the rat is not alone. In fact, there are surprisingly many of them. The staffs’ attempts to get rid of the rodents prove futile. And, because of its gentle Swedish upbringing, even the cat they bring in doesn’t help. They need to call in the experts – the Rescue Team!


Miffy the Movie

Miffy the Movie 2013


Miffy, her friends Melanie and Grunty and her dog Snuffy set out on a treasure hunt through the zoo. Father and Mother Bunny give them five riddles through a Treasure Hunt Song, about a color, a shape, a movement, a number and a sound. While discovering animals that answer to the riddles, Miffy and her friends learn how to work together, find creative ways to collaborate and to reward each other for a job well done. And in the end, they are rewarded with a big surprise.



Corrida 2012


A bull fight takes place in the main arena in Madrid, the capital of Spain. This time, however, the toreador is not as successful as usual and must run away to save his life. Finding a safe place from the angry beast, the toreador uses his mobile phone to call for help. The Rescue Team receives his distress call. It is the very first call from Europe. Using their new, yellow airplane, three brave men depart immediately for a rescue mission...


Greece Treasures

Greece Treasures 2020


An elderly man has arrived in Greece, Halkidiki. While fishing on his boat, he pulls out an old amphora, but its bottom breaks off and falls back into the sea. The old man calls the “Rescue team” for a help. Three “Rescue team” men arrive with their ship and put on scuba diver equipment, then go deep into the sea to find the lost property...