In the Sign of the Taurus

In the Sign of the Taurus 1974


The town's wealthy benefactor dies, and leaves a bizarre bequest: unless one of the self-righteous citizens can produce an illegitimate child in 9 1/2 months, all his money goes to homeless cats, and they must start paying taxes.


Majorens oppasser

Majorens oppasser 1964


The Danish minister of defense decides to join the army incognito to observe. This causes CHAOS. It also causes him to meet the major's daughter. He ends up becoming the major's orderly which gets him closer to the daughter.


More About the Language of Love

More About the Language of Love 1970


In this explicit sex education film based on clinical research made by American and Swedish doctors, a panel of experts in the field of sex education discuss various aspects of human sexuality. The film deals with and demonstrates all kinds of problems related to sexual relationships.


The Circus Casablanca

The Circus Casablanca 1981


Film about a pair of traveling entertainers and con-men and their problems with jobs, money and women. We follow them in a period there it goes downhill with engagements. It's hard for them to realize that entertainers of their kind are about to become extinct.


Summer in Tyrol

Summer in Tyrol 1964


Summer in Tyrol (Danish: Sommer i Tyrol) is a 1964 Danish comedy film directed by Erik Balling and starring Dirch Passer.


Girls at Arms

Girls at Arms 1975


A comedy about girls joining the army in Denmark. Marianne joins to keep up a long family tradition as her brother won't. Both her brother and her boyfriend find her decision difficult to accept.


Friends at Arms: On a Bear Run

Friends at Arms: On a Bear Run 1968


The German bear Fido from Münich is sweet, easygoing and nice, and just loves Danish soldiers. Thus, the bear marches together with the recruits and even wants to share their beds in this strange Danish comedy.


It's Nifty in the Navy

It's Nifty in the Navy 1965


It's Nifty in the Navy is a 1965 Danish comedy film directed by Finn Henriksen and starring Dirch Passer.


Den rige enke

Den rige enke 1962


Ellekjærs fremtid ligger Ann-Marie på sinde. Hun forsøge at få sin adoptivdatter, Grete, gift med Erik von der Rude, men Grete elsker forkarlen Jørgen. De beslutter sig for at gifte sig, hvorefter Annemarie slår hånden af Grete. Ann-Marie anden datter, Elin, er dog forelsket i Erik. Eriks fortid fra København indhenter ham dog, og Elin flytter ind hos sin søster. Derefter går filmen gennem en række forviklinger, før endelig Elin og Erik kan blive gift, og Ann-Marie forenes med sine døtre igen.


Charly & Steffen

Charly & Steffen 1979


A sequel to "Me and Charley", it starts with Steffen's graduation from a secondary school in Århus (Denmark), where he later that day bumps into Charly and their friendship continues while portraying life in Århus 1979.


Fun in the Streets

Fun in the Streets 1969


A gang transport drugs with a little girl inside her teddy bear.


Pigen og drømmeslottet

Pigen og drømmeslottet 1974


Siden hun var barn, har pigen Tine drømt om det smukke slot, hendes elskede tante er nabo til. Hun forelsker sig også i slottets unge ejer, Karsten, og han gengælder hendes følelser, selvom han længe har sørget over tabet af en kæreste. Denne kæreste viser sig imidlertid slet ikke at være død. I virkeligheden er dette en del af et komplot, som skal franarre Karsten hans ejendom ved at udnytte hans økonomiske problemer.


The Egborg Girl

The Egborg Girl 1969


The Egborg Girl (Danish: Pigen fra Egborg) is a 1969 Danish comedy film directed by Carl Ottosen and starring Dirch Passer.


Girls at Sea

Girls at Sea 1977


Women have joined the military in Denmark but may still not serve in the navy. This makes the lives of the sailors difficult when three women get trapped on board of a navy vessel do to an surprise exercise at sea. Trying to hide the three women leads to comical situations.