Via Gobi and Khingan

Via Gobi and Khingan 1981


About the events of the final stage of the Second World War — the defeat by Soviet and Mongolian troops of the selected Kwantung army. Bacteriological weapons were created in the laboratory of Japanese General Ishii Shiro. Experiments were conducted on prisoners of war and political prisoners. Epidemiologist Dmitry Sokolov was assigned to solve the mystery of this laboratory. At the cost of his own life, he completed the task. The march of Soviet and Mongolian formations through the Gobi sands and the Khingan spurs was not only a brilliant military operation, but also a warning of the use of bacteriological weapons by Japan.


Focusing on the Turquoise Mountain

Focusing on the Turquoise Mountain 1978


It tells about the collaboration of Mongolian-Czech geologists who are discovering treasure deposits in Mongolia, and shows the events that happen to them in a humorous tone.


His Name Is Sukhe-Bator

His Name Is Sukhe-Bator 1942


The film tells about the founder of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party, the leader of the Mongolian People's Revolution - Damdin Sukhe-Bator.


Mandoukhai the Wise: Episode 1 - Mandoukhai is called

Mandoukhai the Wise: Episode 1 - Mandoukhai is called 1989


Set in the 15th century after the collapse of Genghis Khan's empire, and follows Mandoukhai from her youth when she's forced to marry the new ruler to her violent death after unifying the vast Mongolian empire.


The Scout

The Scout 1983


1877, the tribe of the Nez Percés Indians are driven into the reservation by a white cavalry force. So that they can not escape, their horses are requisitioned. Sub-chief "White Feather" has no choice but to make a scout with the cavalry and retrieve the stolen horses through his life.


Herding Path

Herding Path 1979


Through the activities of Tuuvarchin herders, it is told about how human character and social property are treated and protected with love.


The Golden Ger

The Golden Ger 1961


Herder Pagwa lives in a hut in a valley of beautiful flowers, where he hoards a mysterious chest whose secret is not revealed even to his three sons. The elder two believe that the chest is filled with gold and precious stones, so they break it open. From then on, water floods the valley, the earth withers and the people and animals start dying of thirst. The youngest son seeks out the wise Arat to ask for advice.


Mighty Prince

Mighty Prince 1945


This film revolves around Choghtu Khong Tayiji, a 17th century Mongolian prince who waged a campaign of independence against Tibetan and Manchu forces.


Wish I Had a Horse

Wish I Had a Horse 1959


Dondog, a young man who grew up on a horse mane, becomes a cowherd after being reprimanded by the management for killing his horse in a race with a car. On this occasion, the relationship between Yanjmaa, a driver who came to the collective, Gonchig, who comes to trade for personal gain, and Dondog, a horseman, was shown in light comedy.


Perseverance: Sub Episode

Perseverance: Sub Episode 1977


In showing personal and social relations and the way of management, the simple humanity of the head of the union, Jav, and his courage to work tirelessly to create something useful for the country and society, his son avoided work and played with the love of a woman. He knows that he has become an injured person and criticizes this situation through his frank, decisive and honest attitude.



Exodus 1968


It shows how the October Revolution affected the hearts of the Mongolian people, and how they defeated the white bandit Baron Ungern at the beginning of the revolution and put an end to his evil activities.


Routing Slip

Routing Slip 1979


He criticized the unethical methods and lateness of work of some managers who do not understand the lives and ideas of their employees.


To My Father in Ulaаnbaatar

To My Father in Ulaаnbaatar 1961


He expressed the idea that this issue should be a universal concern, while clearly stating that the care of parents has a special role in the development of children's morals.



Meddlesome 1964


A moral movie about old and young people, relationships, friendship, and humanity, which tells about Osor's serious death while driving a car while intoxicated.


Pack of Wolves

Pack of Wolves 1939


In the 1940s, a group of people on the mission of Japanese intelligence carried out sabotage activities against the revolutionaries. In this complicated period, the anti-revolutionary policies of the anti-revolutionaries and the responsibility of the people's vigilance protection organization were high. Dardulam and her husband Danzan were able to express the meaning of the film interestingly through the events of a family's life. is. The script was written by D. Namdag based on the idea of ​​one of his famous plays.


The Prelude to an Undeclared War

The Prelude to an Undeclared War 1984


In 1939, when the Japanese army invaded the protected border of our country, our border warriors showed how they protected the protected border of our country from foreign invaders.


Beloved Mother

Beloved Mother 1968


The film consists of two parts, the first part is about the warm relationship between mother, father and son, the son's heroic merits for the country, and the second part is about his son in the war. It tells about the lost mother, who was named "Tall Mother" in honor of the mother's love for many drivers who have the same profession as her son.


Tears of a Stele

Tears of a Stele 1990


It is a tragic drama that shows through the life of a crazy woman named Tswel that the suffering of political repression that covered Mongolia in the late 1930s left a black mark on people's minds and the grief continues throughout their lives.



Son-in-law 1970


A household drama about the change in people's consciousness during the collectivization movement and the relationship between state and state property through the relationship between the rich Jamts family and the son-in-law Demberel.