The Frozen Moment 1964
Created for the "Esso World Theater" series of films in 1964, it features excerpts from "Bugaku," "Gagaku," "Noh, " and "Kabuki" scenes performed by the well-known dancers, musicians and actors and actresses.
Created for the "Esso World Theater" series of films in 1964, it features excerpts from "Bugaku," "Gagaku," "Noh, " and "Kabuki" scenes performed by the well-known dancers, musicians and actors and actresses.
The Little Ballet Troupe of Bombay performs a "puppet ballet" of the Hindu epic, the Ramayana.
Ravi Shankar plays the sitar, while members of the Children's Little Theatre Unit of Calcutta dance. Presents a montage of scenes from 20th-century India. A segment from "India, Haunting Passage," part of the "Esso World Theater" program of 1964.