George Sand, une femme libre

George Sand, une femme libre 1995


This film bears witness to a life that changes... Or how Aurore, a young woman of 26 who is bored in Nohant, with Baron Dudevant, her country husband with the appearance of a gentleman, becomes George Sand.


Chronicles of Hope

Chronicles of Hope 1993


In july 1936, the civil war began in Spain, and it would last three years. Since then, it has constantly been a subject for fascination and controversy. What could have pushed leftists from all over the world to fight for a cause that their governments rejected? Why did young men leave their work, their family and their country, so they could join a fight that was somehow a rehearsal for World War II? Nearly 40.000 people enlisted to defend their ideals on a foreign territory. Chronicles Of Hope doesn't intend to describe the events of the civil war in a one-tracked political mould; the human dimension is here the center of interest.