
Meridian 2016


A deserted cliff. Lightning appearing out of nowhere. A mysterious lady all dressed in white. Netflix’s latest original program, “Meridian,” is spooky, confusing, and only 12 minutes long. That’s because although “Meridian” is available on the streaming service worldwide, it was made not for Netflix’s 83 million subscribers, but for algorithms and their programmers. Director Curtis Clark likely had artistic reasons for adding the film’s strange effects. But those elements are primarily there because they tend to trip up video codecs, or software that compresses and decompresses digital video, and other elements of the streaming pipeline.


Sorry About Your Wife

Sorry About Your Wife 2018


"Sorry About Your Wife" is a short dark comedy about a man learning of his wife's infidelity, at some swanky Hollywood pool party. That man is Felix. Felix is not someone who seeks confrontation. If he had a super power, it'd be his ability to roll with the punches, to bend like a willow, to not rise to every challenge or provocation like some jumped up, testosterone-fueled frat boy. Felix has always thought of this as his greatest strength, it's his armor and what makes him such a nice guy. Though when Felix finally learns of his wife's infidelity, surrounded by all the superficial glitz and glamour of some Hollywood pool party, he suddenly comes to a realization. The realization, that deep down, what this actually makes him, is a doormat, a loser, a putz. But right now, in this moment, he has a chance to do something about it, to show what he's made of, to completely break the mold and become the person he's always dreamed of being.


A Bitter Fruit

A Bitter Fruit 1970


The story of two opposing sisters who've grown up in improbable circumstances, with only traumatic adolescent memories of their parents' volatile relationship as influence.