Salem's Lot

Salem's Lot 2024


Scriitorul Ben Mears se întoarce în orașul natal, Jerusalem's Lot, în căutarea inspirației pentru următoarea sa carte, însă descoperă ca localnicii sunt vânați de un vampir înspăimântător.



Maleficent 2014


Frumoasa și tânăra Maleficent trăiește o viață idilică în pașnicul ei regat acoperit de păduri, visând că va deveni o puternică zână făcătoare de bine. Asta până într-o zi când armata unui rege invadator îi atacă semenii și o extraordinară trădare face inima zânei să se transforme în piatră. Setea de răzbunare o împinge pe Maleficent ca, ani mai târziu, să arunce un crunt blestem pe Aurora, fiica succesorului la tron a regelui ce i-a pustiit regatul, dar, pe măsură ce Aurora crește, vrăjitoarea începe să se întrebe dacă nu cumva aceasta deține cheia unui viitor pașnic al întregului ținut...


Adèle: Capitolele 1 și 2

Adèle: Capitolele 1 și 2 2013


Adele are 15 ani și, ca orice tânără, e interesată de băieți. Însă atunci când o vede pentru prima dată pe Emma cea cu păr albastru, Adele începe să-și dea seama că începe să privească lumea cu totul altfel. Și în iubirea ei pentru Emma, Adele devine din copil adult, și din adolescentă - femeie. Chiar dacă asta implică conflicte cu părinții, cu lumea, cu ea însăși.


Fantoma de la Opera

Fantoma de la Opera 1943


Aceastã repovestire spectaculoasã a nemuritoarei povesti de groazã a lui Gaston Leroux îl prezintã pe Claude Raines în rolul principal, al fantomei mascate de la Opera din Paris, un compozitor nebun, care încearcã sã facã o tânãrã si frumoasã sopranã (Susanna Foster) vedeta companiei de operã si sã se rãzbune pe cei ce i-au furat muzica.


Hakkenden: Legend of the Dog Warriors

Hakkenden: Legend of the Dog Warriors 1990


During the war-torn feudal wars in Japan, the Awa clan faced certain extinction from a rival clan backed by demonic forces. However, a careless promise by their lord leads to both salvation and disgrace when their family dog brings back the head of the enemy warlord and insists on marrying the lord's daughter. Their unnatural union bears fruit but when both are killed, the eight unborn pups are reincarnated as the eight Dog Warriors - The Hakkenden. As they slowly find each other and come together as a group, these eight warriors, who represent the eight separate aspects of Bushido, engage in bloody battles with demonic entities and evil samurai in a final attempt to redeem their clan!


A Vida Como Ela É...

A Vida Como Ela É... 1996


Adaptations of 40 short stories of brazilian playwright Nelson Rodrigues, written between 1951 and 1961. The stories were considered scandalous at the time as Rodrigues used immoral characters and black humor to satirize the hypocrisy and repression in people's daily lives.


The NeverEnding Story

The NeverEnding Story 1995


The animated adventures of Bastian Balthazar Bux in the enchanted storybook world of Fantasia.


Adventures of the Little Mermaid

Adventures of the Little Mermaid 1991


Marina, a lonely mermaid, is bored of underwater life. She wants legs. She goes to the sea witch. She is given a magic whistle that when blown, can turn her into a human or mermaid. The Prince and Marina fall in love but she can't stay with him until she can get the sea witch off her case.ja



Wishbone 1995


Wishbone is a children's television show. The show's title character is a Jack Russell Terrier of the same name. Wishbone lives with his owner Joe Talbot in the fictional modern town of Oakdale, Texas. He daydreams about being the lead character of stories from classic literature He was known as "the little dog with a big imagination". Only the viewers and the characters in his daydreams can hear Wishbone speak. The characters from his daydreams see Wishbone as whatever famous character he is currently portraying and not as a dog.


Nai Keun Nao Sang Dao Yung Oun

Nai Keun Nao Sang Dao Yung Oun 2018


Lew or Lawita a famous model became scandalous when news broke out that she was heartbroken from her boyfriend and tried to commit suicide. She survived that attempt but ended up having amnesia of the man she loved, like a part of her life was missing. This causes her to go and try to regain those memories back. She decides to go to Chiang Khan, a small town in northern Thailand where her and Traipob met and worked together. It was a quiet place where Lew was able to escape reporters bombarding her about her suicide attempt. That quietness turned into loneliness for her. She gets nightmares during the night and she feels deep down inside, danger is after her.


Edgar Allan Poe's Murder Mystery Dinner Party

Edgar Allan Poe's Murder Mystery Dinner Party 2016


Edgar Allan Poe throws a murder mystery dinner party to impress the beautiful Annabel Lee. He invites some of the world's most renowned authors. Things go awry when someone actually gets murdered...


For the Term of His Natural Life

For the Term of His Natural Life 1983


In 1830s England, a young man from a good but troubled family is unjustly convicted of stealing a watch. He's transported to Van Diemen's Land where he suffers under the enmity of Lt. Frere while falling in love with Sylvia, the Warden's daughter. Meanwhile, back in England, an imposter lays claim to the young man's inheritance.