Pierre Schoendoerffer Pierre Schoendoerffer, the Sentinel of Memory A Captain's Honor Objective: 500 Million Farewell to the King The 317th Platoon The Anderson Platoon Above the Clouds Above the Clouds Diên Biên Phu Drummer-Crab Vietnam Drummer-Crab Drummer-Crab The Anderson Platoon Ramuntcho The Anderson Platoon Island Fishermen Diên Biên Phu Ramuntcho The 317th Platoon The 317th Platoon Attention hélicoptères Objective: 500 Million Objective: 500 Million Diên Biên Phu The Devil's Pass Nulle part ailleurs Spécial cinéma Les Rendez-vous du dimanche Cinépanorama Apostrophes 30 millions d'amis