Lian Yiming Three Kingdoms Undefeated Warrior Old School Strangers Mr. Six The Inquiry Court Battle Fearless Blood 五湖四海 狼烟 左手劈刀 终极征服 野火春风斗古城 回马枪 历史的进程 对与决 Eternal Love 七九河开 大刀进行曲 天阵 上海滩喋血枭雄 Romantic Life 雪狼谷 向前一步 Shi Cha Hai 一双绣花鞋 Candle in the Tomb (Tencent) Candle in the Tomb (Tencent) Candle in the Tomb (Tencent) Candle in the Tomb (Tencent) Candle in the Tomb (Tencent) Candle in the Tomb (Tencent) Candle in the Tomb (Tencent) Candle in the Tomb (Tencent) Candle in the Tomb (Tencent) Candle in the Tomb (Tencent) Candle in the Tomb (Tencent)