A Trap for Santa Claus

A Trap for Santa Claus 1909


The children of a household attempt to capture Santa, but they catch something else entirely.



Ramona 1910


Ramona, residing on her wealthy Spanish adoptive mother's rancho in California, falls in love with the Indian Alessandro. When Ramona is denied permission to marry Alessandro, the lovers elope, only to find a life of great hardship and unhappiness amidst the greed and injustice of the white landowners.


The Honor of His Family

The Honor of His Family 1910


An old colonel is proud as a peacock: his son leads a group of volunteers in the American Civil War. Untill one day his son returns home as a deserter.


The Switchtower

The Switchtower 1913


"He was a regular boy and his father a switchman. The boy determined to be like his dad and spent his play hours around the switch-tower. Thus at the crucial moment he was able to save his father's honor as a switchman, when the struggle between love and duty came and later to come to the aid of his parents in the hands of the desperate counterfeiters, eventually causing their capture." —Moving Picture World synopsis.


Oil and Water

Oil and Water 1913


A stage dancer (Sweet) and a serious-type homebody (Walthall) discover, after marriage, that their individual styles don't mesh. The movie includes elaborate dance sequences.


The Law and His Son

The Law and His Son 1913


In this film one is shown the contrast of two fathers. One father refuses to believe his son guiltless, while the other, fully realizing the weakness of his son, struggles to save him from further disgrace. In this attempt he exonerates the innocent youth, but at the same time exposes the guilt of his own son.


The Sorrowful Shore

The Sorrowful Shore 1913


There dwelt the widowed fisherman and his indulged son. Then the girl, the sole survivor of the wreck came into their lives. The father suppressed his own love, realizing the son could offer youth instead of age, but the young woman decided otherwise. It was through the young wife's attempt to make peace without exposing the son that the sorrowful shore revealed another tragedy.


If We Only Knew

If We Only Knew 1913


A careless nurse girl allowing the child to wander away, made the mother realize the poignancy of the little verse: "If we knew the baby's fingers / Pressed against the window pane / Would be cold and stiff tomorrow, / Never trouble us again, / Would the bright eyes of our darling / catch the frown upon our brow, / Would the prints of rosy fingers, / Vex us then as they do now?" But a higher destiny watched the child and saw it safely home.


Under the Shadow of the Law

Under the Shadow of the Law 1913


In this picture it is shown how a convict's life still remains under the ban of the law, even after the expiration of his term. With the detective continually on his track, he is able to save both a young woman's honor and her weak brother from the hands of a designing employer.


Woman Against Woman

Woman Against Woman 1914


Woman Against Woman is a tale of two sisters. Bessie, the older and more sensible one, is forever losing her boyfriends to Miriam, the younger, prettier and flightier of the two. While "doing the town," Miriam is lured into the apartment of a pair of letches named Crooke and Craven, who ply her with drugged liquor, then have their way with her. Holding Bessie's libertine friend, Rachel, responsible for all this, she heads to Rachel's flat and tries to strangle the life out of the woman. She also sees to it that Crooke and Craven are thrown out of their lodgings for their wanton behavior


In the Aisles of the Wild

In the Aisles of the Wild 1912


A widower and his two daughters live in the wilds of the north woods. They form the acquaintance of two trappers, Bob Cole and Jim Watson, who hunt in the neighborhood. As fate will have it, both trappers love the same girl, the elder sister, but she loves Bob, while the younger girl is attracted by Jim. The elder girl, however, through a woman's whim, pays marked attention to Jim simply to arouse jealousy in Bob. He, in temper, cannot reason her motive and leaves, so through pique she accepts and marries Jim. Later Bob revisits the place, feeling that the girl loves him best, and tries to induce her to go away with him. He finally succeeds and, as you may imagine, fate brings about justice.


The Left-Handed Man

The Left-Handed Man 1913


The thief was clever and he forged around the girl's sweetheart a chain of circumstantial evidence that seemingly had no flaw. The girl's faith was great and in unraveling the mystery the detective she engaged used the scientific methods of today, making a brilliant detective story.


Love in an Apartment Hotel

Love in an Apartment Hotel 1913


In the apartment hotel lived the aspiring maid, whose solicitude maintained order in the bachelor's apartment. He was her ideal, and the all-adoring bell-boy was firmly but gently given to understand that maids who read "Heliotrope Glendening's Advice to Young Ladies" look higher than ice-water toters. A compromising complication, however, with an unexpected visit from a beautiful lady, quite convinces the aspiring one that wealthy young bachelors may be the grandest men ever, but their aspirations, when it comes to the crucial test, are not for chambermaids. Science influences his actions so much that he gets into trouble with the police.


The Conscience of Hassan Bey

The Conscience of Hassan Bey 1913


From the dungeon where the lean beasts prowled, Hassan Bey summoned from her young lover's arms the old rug maker's daughter. Still she was obdurate. In his madness, he had poisoned his other love with the deadly sting of a serpent. His fury spent, he fell from bey to man, and sought to atone according to his light.


The Wrong Bottle

The Wrong Bottle 1913


Happy in her devotion to her unfortunate sister and the promise of honest love that had come into her life, the girl was perhaps blind to true values. She became indifferent to her life and its surroundings. Accordingly she accepted the stranger and his doubtful promises. Honest love and duty were forgotten, until, caught near life's uncertain edge, she was called back by her blind sister's peril. Thus was true love separated from blind infatuation and life's lesson learned.


The House of Darkness

The House of Darkness 1913


A potentially violent patient in an insane asylum is calmed when he hears a nurse playing the piano. But shortly afterwards he breaks free, eludes his pursuers, and acquires a gun. He soon comes to a house where a young wife is home alone, and there is a tense confrontation.


The Death Disc: A Story of the Cromwellian Period

The Death Disc: A Story of the Cromwellian Period 1909


During the reign of Oliver Cromwell, Catholic worship is forbidden on pain of death. Three soldiers are arrested as Catholics and condemned to die. Cromwell decides to spare two of them and to determine which should die by chance. The guards bring the first child they meet. Whichever soldier she gives the 'death disc' to shall die. Cromwell is charmed by the girl and gives her his signet ring. By chance the child is the daughter of one of the soldiers and gives the death disc to her father, because she thinks it's pretty. The child is returned home to her mother, who learns of her husband's pending execution and of the power of the ring. She rushes to the place of execution and saves her husband by producing the ring.


The Sheriff's Baby

The Sheriff's Baby 1913


After the death of his wife the baby was all the sheriff had left, the promise of hope in the future, and the reflection of all that was dear in the past. But a sheriff has no time to tread a cradle rocker, so the baby started off on the long journey to relatives across the desert. Then the sheriff was called away to hunt the "bad men" of the desert, and found there a deserted prairie schooner, the occupants dead and his baby gone.


A Gambler's Honor

A Gambler's Honor 1913


The brother at cards failed to make up the shortage at the express office, but the gambler determined to save him. His intention, however, was misconstrued until the sheriff's investigation brought the truth. The gambler then awoke to the justice of the girl's plea against his previous life and the tragedy of a dead brother's weakness was lightened.