Џанго разузданиот

Џанго разузданиот 2012


Џанго е ослободен роб, кој под туторство на еден германски ловец на уценети глави и самиот станува опасен ловец на уценети. Откако ловат неколку лоши момци, тие ја наоѓаат жената на Џанго која е робинка и ја ослободуваат.


The North Water

The North Water 2021


Henry Drax is a harpooner and brutish killer whose amorality has been shaped to fit the harshness of his world, who will set sail on a whaling expedition to the Arctic with Patrick Sumner, a disgraced ex-army surgeon who signs up as the ship’s doctor. Hoping to escape the horrors of his past, Sumner finds himself on an ill-fated journey with a murderous psychopath. In search of redemption, his story becomes a harsh struggle for survival in the Arctic wasteland.


New Gold Mountain

New Gold Mountain 2021


In the Bendigo Goldfields in 1855, the charismatic headman of the Chinese mining camp suddenly finds himself struggling to maintain the fragile harmony between Chinese and European diggers and authorities when a murdered European woman is discovered to have links with the Chinese community.