Dream Generation

Dream Generation 2003


Francesca, Morgana, Edo and Antonio. Four of today’s youngsters. Four inadvertent representatives of today’s generation of 20-year-olds who “do whatever I want”.By chance they find that they’re spending a week in Catania together, the Baroque city perched on the slopes of a volcano, the continual rumbling of which seems to reflect their restlessness…



Vivere 2002


War and love. tears and laughter, the worst and the best that can happen to someone - in brief, life, in Rome, ruled by the Nazis, in 1943. The man in question is called Vittorio, Vittorio De Sica. Easy to speak well of him now, but then he was just a 'comedian', an actor without future, protégé of no-one: someone who could count only on himself and his own imagination. And, one day, a German patrol turns up on the movie set where he is working. They are looking for him, find him and take him away, to their commander who wants a word with him. Goebbels in person has written to him, sending him a request which is an order. De Sica is trapped, but...


Femminile, singolare

Femminile, singolare 2000


25-year-old aspiring artist Vera shares a flat in Rome near the Colosseum with friends Amedeo and Clelia. One rainy afternoon, Vera is standing in front of her wardrobe before. She has an appointment with a man who could solve all her problems. She has to get dressed and pulls out all her clothes. Each piece of clothing evokes a memory or a particular moment in her life. In this way, her search for something to wear, transforms itself into a nostalgia trip. In the end, Vera acquires a new understanding of herself and the world. She learns that to express truly-lived feelings through art is what really matters to her.