
Gārfīlds 2024


Pasaulslaveno, pirmdienu nīdēju un lazanjas mīlētāju, mājas kaķi Garfīldu gaida vājprātīgi jautrs piedzīvojums brīvā dabā! Negaidīti saticis savu sen zudušo tēvu, noplukušo ielas kaķi Viku, Gārfīlds kopā ar savu draugu, suni Odiju, ir spiests pamest ideālo lutekļa dzīvi un piebiedroties Vikam pārgalvīgā laupīšanā.



Dvēsele 2020


Džo Gardeners ir skolotājs skolā, kurš ārprātīgi mīl džezu. Pēc veiksmīgas uzstāšanās klubā "Half Note", viņš nejauši iekļūst negadījumā, kas nošķir viņa dvēseli no ķermeņa. Tā rezultātā viņš tiek nosūtīts uz You Seminar - centru, kas palīdz attīstīt dvēseles un iegūt kaislības pirms tās tiek nogādātas jaundzimušajiem. Džo nākās lūgt palīdzību no citām apmācāmajām dvēselēm, jo tikai tā viņam izdosies atgriezties uz Zemes.



Runcis 2003


Konrads un Salija Valdeni garlaikojas mājāss vieni. Ārā līst lietus. Bet tad ierodas iztēles bagātais Runcis Cepurē. Viņi kopā spēlējas un izklaidējas, bet tad kaķis zaudē kontroli pār notiekošo, un viņam ir steidzami jāpazūd pirms nav atgriezušies vecāki…


Mazais Stjuarts

Mazais Stjuarts 1999


Stjuarts ir pele, kas nelīdzinās nevienai citai. Kad Mazo ģimene izlemj adoptēt citas sugas pārstāvi, viņiem nākas daudz ko iemācīties, piemēram to, ka mājas darbi ir jāveic ļoti piesardzīgi, ir jāuzmana, ko apēd kaķis Sniedziņš, kā arī to, ka mīlestība nav atkarīga no sirds lieluma.


Brokastis pie Tifānijas

Brokastis pie Tifānijas 1961


Holija ir jauna sieviete, kura dzīvo Ņujorkā. Brīvdomīgā skaistule cenšas uztvert dzīvi tik viegli, cik iespējams. Viņa pārtiek no bagātu pielūdzēju dāvanām, dienas vada, pastaigājoties pa Lielā ābola ielām un veikaliem, vakaros apmeklē augstākās sabiedrības ballītes, cerot atrast savu liktenīgo vīrieti. Viņas vienīgā prasība - biezs maks. Kādu dienu jauns rakstnieks Pols ievācas kaimiņos. Viņu apbur savādā kaimiņiene un sākas romantiska draudzība.


Iepazīsties, mani vecāki

Iepazīsties, mani vecāki 2000


Medbrālis Gregs Fakers iepazīstas ar savas draudzenes vecākiem pirms bildināšanas, taču viņas aizdomīgais tēvs ir katra randiņa briesmīgākais murgs.


Garfīlds 2

Garfīlds 2 2006


Kad Gārfilds kopā ar savu īpašnieku Džonu Ārbaklu dodas uz Angliju, tas var nelāgi beigties. It sevišķi brīdī, kad Gārfilds tiek sajaukts ar kaķi, kurš ar viņu ir teju divas ūdens lāses. Vienīgā atšķirība - tas ir mantojis pili. Kad Gārfilds ieņem prinča vietu, ļaunais lords, kurš iekārojis viņa pili, cenšas tikt vaļā Gārfilda.


Iepazīstieties, mazie Fakeri

Iepazīstieties, mazie Fakeri 2010


Ģimenes galva Džeks Bērnss meklē kādu, kas būtu cienīgs iet viņa pēdās. Vai viņa znots Gregs Fakers spēs iemantot Džeka uzticību?



Bunnicula 2016


A dark comedic adventure about the titular Bunnicula, a vampire rabbit, Mina, his owner, and her two pets, Chester the cat and Harold the dog. Instead of blood, Bunnicula feeds on carrots to sustain himself which gives him super abilities which come in handy on his and his friends escapades.


Life’s Funniest Moments

Life’s Funniest Moments 2006


Almost anything is fair game, from wardrobe malfunctions, wedding bloopers, and sports debacles to out-takes from school plays and funny pet videos. Viewers of all ages will howl with laughter at Life’s Funniest Moments.


The Smurfs

The Smurfs 1981


Classic Saturday-morning cartoon series featuring magical blue elf-like creatures called Smurfs. The Smurfs, named for their personalities, inhabit a village of mushroom houses in an enchanted forest. These loveable creatures are led by Papa Smurf and live carefree... except for one major threat to their existance: Gargamel, an evil but inept wizard who lives in a stone-built house in the forest; and his feline companion, the equally nasty Azrael.


Felix the Cat

Felix the Cat 1958


Felix the Cat follows the offbeat adventures of that curious feline, Felix. Although he was quickly overshadowed by Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse, America's favorite cat still remains a classic.


Sabrina, the Teenage Witch

Sabrina, the Teenage Witch 1996


On her sixteenth birthday, Sabrina Spellman discovers she has magical powers. She lives with her 600-year-old aunts Hilda and Zelda as well as talking cat Salem in the fictional town of Westbridge, Massachusetts.


Simon’s Cat

Simon’s Cat 2008


Simon's cat follows the silent-movie-like adventures of a cat and his owner and lots of others.


Rafferty's Rules

Rafferty's Rules 1987


Rafferty's Rules was an Australian television drama series which ran from 1987 to 1990 on the Seven Network. Rafferty's Rules was one of the first programs undertaken by the Seven Network's then new in-house drama unit, going into production in May 1985 as "a 15-part courtroom drama". The program had started out as a pilot episode, recorded in early 1984 with the actor Chris Haywood in the lead role. When the pilot episode was remounted later in 1984, Chris Haywood wasn't available and the lead role was re-cast to John Wood. This second recording was eventually broadcast as the program's first episode.


Early Edition

Early Edition 1996


Gary Hobson thinks he may even be losing his mind when tomorrow's newspaper mysteriously arrives today giving him a disconcerting look into the future. What will he do with tomorrow's news?


Funniest Pets & People

Funniest Pets & People 2006


Funniest Pets & People is a solid half-hour of pure entertainment with a proven format featuring hysterical, fast-paced video clips submitted by viewers who share the funniest moments of their favorite Pets & People.


My Cat from Hell

My Cat from Hell 2011


From cats that break up relationships to violent felines that put their owners in the hospital, cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy has seen it all. Follow Jackson as he brings his unique understanding of cats to desperate families on the verge of giving up on their furry companions.



ThunderCats 1985


The inhabitants of the planet Thundera evacuate just before it is destroyed. They were pursued by a band of mutants. All but one of their escape ships was destroyed. Only a small group of Thunderans (Thundercats) remained. With only half engine power, the group, which was led by Jaga, had to set a course for the nearest planet. Jaga commanded their ship while the other seven were in their stasis tubes. Jaga died on their journey to Third Earth and their ship crashed there. Soon they made friends with various groups in the area and they designed a fortress. Mumm-Ra the centuries-old embodiment of evil, along with the mutants that destroyed the rest of the Thunderans are a constant threat. But Lion-O, the new leader of the Thundercats, with his weapon the "Sword of Omens" will help the Thundercats to have a standing chance.


Chi's Sweet Home

Chi's Sweet Home 2008


An American Shorthair kitten wanders away from her mother and siblings one day while enjoying a walk outside. Lost in her surroundings, she struggles to find her way back home. She is soon found by the Yamada family. Finding a home for her proves to be difficult, so the family eventually decides to keep the kitten, naming her "Chi".


Bee and PuppyCat

Bee and PuppyCat 2014


On a charming magical island, the impulsive Bee and her furry pal get up to all sorts of adventures while working for an intergalactic temp agency.


A Cat's-Eye View of Japan

A Cat's-Eye View of Japan 2022


Globe-trotting wildlife photographer and filmmaker, Iwago Mitsuaki, offers the best of a vast collection of cat footage he took in Japan. On this unique trip around the country, discover the lesser-known charms and customs of regions through the eyes of cats!


The Funky Phantom

The Funky Phantom 1971


Three teenagers and their dog solve mysteries with the help of two ghosts from the 18th century.


Pa a Pi

Pa a Pi 1986


Pa a Pi is animated educational TV show, depicting adventures of extraterrestrial cats Pa and Pi during their visit on Earth. Show was created in 1986 to 1989 and consist from animated and acted sequences. Each episode presents one animal. Show was designed by Miroslav Duša, animated by Dalimil Koutek and directed by Miroslav Sobota, Dalimil Koutek (animated part) and Václav Pavel Borovička. Title song written by Karel Svoboda, sung by Marika Gombitová in slovak version. Show was created in studio Prométheus Ostrava in cooperation with german GOLD-FILM Gmbh Pforzheim.


Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks

Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks 1958


Pixie & Dixie and Mr. Jinks is a Hanna-Barbera cartoon that featured as a regular segment of the television series The Huckleberry Hound Show from 1958 to 1961.


Pettersson and Findus

Pettersson and Findus 2000


Old Petterson lives on the edge of a small village somewhere in Sweden. Together with his cat Findus and his ten white hens he always experiences wonderfully funny and exciting adventures. The stories are about friendship, travel and the crazy and loving everyday life of Pettersson and Findus.


Billy the Cat, dans la peau d'un chat

Billy the Cat, dans la peau d'un chat 1996


Billy the Cat is the title of a Franco-Belgian comic strip by the Belgian Stéphane Colman and Stephen Desberg, as well as an animated cartoon adaptation, amongst others. Both comic and cartoon deal with the everyday and secret lives of urban animals, although they take very different approaches to it, and while the characters are largely the same in both versions, the stories and situations are very different.