
Viesmīle 2007


Dženna ir nelaimīgi precējusies viesmīle, turklāt stāvoklī. Viņas vīrs Ērls ir rupjš, neaptēsts tēviņš, kas par jauno sievieti nepavisam nerūpējas. Viņas slēptais mērķis ir laimēt 25 tūkstošus dolāru, lai varētu pamest apnicīgo vīru, atvērt savu bodīti un sākt jaun dzīvi. Kādu dienu viņas pilsētiņā ierodas svešinieks. Abi iepazīstas un meitene, būdama uz izmisuma robežas, ļaujas atbraucēja valdzinājumam, cerot atrast dzīvē tik ilgi gaidīto laimi.


Likit Kammathep

Likit Kammathep 2007


Karnploo is an orphan that has been raised by an aunt who treats her like a servant. When her aunt wants money to continue her lavish lifestyle, she sells Karnploo to an older, wealthy man. Karnploo is unaware of her aunt's arrangement, and believes she is going there as a servant. The older man has a grown son, Nit, who misunderstands Karnploo and thinks she is his intended bride rather than his father's. He accuses Karn of selling herself and trying to cheat his family out of their fortunes. He treats her like a prostitute, even going so far as to rape her. When he discovers that Karnploo is actually his father's intended wife, he continues to mistreat her, hoping she will back out of the arrangement.