Hobits: Piecu armiju kauja

Hobits: Piecu armiju kauja 2014


"Hobits: Piecu armiju kauja" ir trešā, noslēdzošā daļa episkajai filmu triloģijai, kas uzņemta pēc britu rakstnieka Dž.R.R. Tolkīna pasaulslavenā fantāzijas romāna "Hobits" motīviem. Pēc rūķu valsts atgūšanas hobita Bilbo Baginsa, Torina Ozolvairoga un rūķu briesmu pilnie piedzīvojumi nebūt nav galā. Saniknotais pūķis Smogs izgāž savas ugunīgās dusmas uz Ezera pilsētas neaizsargātajiem iedzīvotājiem, bet Torina prātu apmiglojuši dārgumi, kuru dēļ viņš gatavs upurēt draudzību un godu. Bilbo nekādi neizdodas vest viņu pie prāta, tādēļ hobits spiests izdarīt riskantu izvēli, nenojaušot, ka tuvojas vēl lielākas briesmas - Viduszemes ļaunākais ienaidnieks Saurons nosūtījis orku leģionus uz Vientuļo kalnu. Ap savstarpēji karojošajām tautām savelkas tumsa, tādēļ rūķu, elfu un cilvēku rasēm jāizvēlas - apvienoties, vai tapt iznīcinātiem. Bilbo attopas piecu dižu armiju kaujas epicentrā, kur notiek cīņa uz dzīvību un nāvi, bet Viduszemes nākotne karājas mata galā.


Volstrītas vilks

Volstrītas vilks 2013


Stāsts balstīts uz reāliem faktiem par Džordanu Belfortu – sākot ar kļūšanu par bagātu akciju brokeri līdz pat viņa norietam, kas saistīts ar noziedzību, korupciju un federālo valdību.



Stabilizators 2014


Asa sižeta filmā Stabilizators tās galvenais varonis, izbijis ASV specvienības kareivis, ir inscenējis savu nāvi, lai dzīves atlikušo daļu pavadītu mierā, dzīvojot klusu dzīvi Bostonā. Viņš ir spiests nomainīt mierīgo dzīvi pret ieročiem brīdī, kad viņš uzņemas izglābt nolaupītu meiteni vārdā Terija. Lai to izdarītu, viņam ir jāuzsāk nežēlīga cīņa pret īpaši vardarbīgiem krievu gangsteriem. Palīdzot nelaimē nonākušajiem, viņš atgūst degsmi pēc taisnīguma. Ja kāds ir nonācis nelaimē un viņam nav neviena pie kā griezties pēc palīdzības, viņš palīdzēs. Viņš ir Stabilizators.


Sicario: Narkokarš

Sicario: Narkokarš 2015


Ideālistiska FIB aģente tiek iekļauta valdības darba grupā, lai sniegtu palīdzību aizvien asākajā karā pret narkotikām ASV un Meksikas pierobežas zonā.


Sicario 2: Karteļu karš

Sicario 2: Karteļu karš 2018


Filmā Sicario: Narkokarš piedzīvotais bija tikai sākums – nu narkokarš uz ASV un Meksikas robežas tikai pieņemas spēkā, un karteļi sāk pāri robežai pārvadāt ne tikai narkotikas, bet arī kaujiniekus. Neiedomājama situācija prasa netradicionālu risinājumu, tādēļ federālais aģents Mets Greivers atkal apvieno spēkus ar noslēpumaino Alehandro, lai ar jebkādiem līdzekļiem apturētu karteļu uzbrukumu. Taču Alehandro ir kārtojami savi rēķini – briest karš...


Betmens atgriežas

Betmens atgriežas 1992


Tikai Betmens var pasargāt pilsētu no pilnīga haosa, kad Pingvīns apdraud metropoles mieru un kārtību. Tikmēr Tumsas bruņinieks, iespējams, saticis sev līdzvērtīgu būtni – nāvīgi lokano Kaķsievieti. Viņš tikai nezina - viņa ir draugs... vai ienaidnieks.


Kara suņi

Kara suņi 2016


Divi Maiami dzīvojoši draugi, kuriem tikko palicis 20 gadi, izmantojot maz zināmu valdības iniciatīvu, kura ļauj maziem uzņēmumiem kļūt par ASV armijas sagādniekiem, uzsāk biznesu, kas viņiem ātrā laikā ļauj nopelnīt 300 miljonus ASV dolāru, liek sadarboties ar ļoti šaubīgiem tipiem, aizved neiedomājamā, briesmu, meiteņu, naudas, narkotiku un ballīšu pilnā piedzīvojumā uz kara plosīto Irāku un Afganistānu, lai piegādātu ieročus Afganistānas un Irākas armijām. Filmas pamatā ir patiess stāsts.


Borna ultimāts

Borna ultimāts 2007


Džeisons Borns vēlējās tikai vienu - nozust. Tā vietā tagad viņu vajā cilvēki, kas viņu padarījuši par to, kas viņš ir. Lai atrastu savu vietu nākotnē, viņam jānoskaidro sava pagātne. Meklējot sevi - Džeisonu Bornu, viņš dosies uz Maskavu, Parīzi, Madridi, Londonu, Maroku un Ņujorku, vienlaikus cenšoties apsteigt savus vajātājus - policistus, federālos aģentus, Interpola darbiniekus, kuri par katru cenu mēģina viņu apturēt.


Kreisie poliči

Kreisie poliči 2014


Saņēmuši ielūgumu uz kostīmu ballīti, Džastins un Raiens nolemj pārģērbties par policistiem un draugi iegūst nedalītu popularitāti ballītes viesu vidū. Panākumu iedvesmoti, viņi nolemj turpināt šo spēli arī ikdienas dzīvē, taču pilnīgi nejauši iepinas īstā kriminālā notikumā. Tagad ir pienācis...


Peaky Blinders

Peaky Blinders 2013


A gangster family epic set in 1919 Birmingham, England and centered on a gang who sew razor blades in the peaks of their caps, and their fierce boss Tommy Shelby, who means to move up in the world.


La Doña

La Doña 2016


A story of revenge and ambition, seduction and betrayal; all told from the perspective of an offended and abused woman named Altagracia. Altagracia represents the hundreds of thousands of Mexican women who have been victims of the violence by faceless men who are protected by impunity. But Altagracia, transformed into a strong-willed, ruthless man-eater known as La Doña, will seek out each and every one of these men to bring them to justice.


Narcos: Mexico

Narcos: Mexico 2018


See the rise of the Guadalajara Cartel as an American DEA agent learns the danger of targeting narcos in 1980s Mexico.


Locked Up

Locked Up 2015


Set up to take the blame for corporate fraud, young Macarena Ferreiro is locked up in a high-security women's prison surrounded by tough, ruthless criminals in this tense, provocative Spanish thriller.


Mayor of Kingstown

Mayor of Kingstown 2021


In a small Michigan town where the business of incarceration is the only thriving industry, the McClusky family are the power brokers between the police, criminals, inmates, prison guards and politicians in a city completely dependent on prisons and the prisoners they contain.



NYPD Blue 1993


Police drama set in New York City, exploring the internal and external struggles of the fictional 15th precinct of Manhattan. Each episode typically intertwined several plots involving an ensemble cast.


The Wire

The Wire 2002


Told from the points of view of both the Baltimore homicide and narcotics detectives and their targets, the series captures a universe in which the national war on drugs has become a permanent, self-sustaining bureaucracy, and distinctions between good and evil are routinely obliterated.


Marvel's Daredevil

Marvel's Daredevil 2015


Lawyer-by-day Matt Murdock uses his heightened senses from being blinded as a young boy to fight crime at night on the streets of Hell’s Kitchen as Daredevil.



Silo 2023


In a ruined and toxic future, a community exists in a giant underground silo that plunges hundreds of stories deep. There, men and women live in a society full of regulations they believe are meant to protect them.


The Henderson Kids

The Henderson Kids 1985


The Henderson Kids is an Australian television series made by Crawford Productions for Network Ten between 1985 and 1987. It was created and storylined by Roger Moulton, who also wrote 5 episodes in the first series and 2 episodes in the second series.



Monarca 2019


After 20 years, Ana María returns to Mexico and vies for control of her family's tequila empire as it threatens to crumble under corruption and secrets.



Agosto 1993


The series tells the story of a criminal investigation into the murder of businessman Paulo Gomes de Aguiar at the beginning of August. In the midst of the Vargas government crisis, the murder case is taken by police commissioner Alberto Mattos, an honest and incorruptible man who is not well regarded by his co-workers, as the place is totally turned over to corruption.



Vincenzo 2021


At the age of eight, Park Joo Hyeong left for Italy after being adopted. Now an adult, he is known as Vincenzo Cassano and employed by a Mafia family as a consigliere. Due to warring Mafia factions, he flies to South Korea where he gets involved with lawyer Hong Cha Young. She is the type of attorney who will do anything to win a case. Now back in his motherland, he gives an unrivalled conglomerate a taste of his own medicine—with a side of his own version of justice.


Akame ga Kill!

Akame ga Kill! 2014


Young Tatsumi travels to the capital of the Empire in order to earn money for his starving people and encounters a world of unimaginable depravity, dominated by the ruthless Prime Minister who controls the child Emperor. Tatsumi is recruited by Night Raid, a group of assassins dedicated to eliminating corruption by mercilessly killing officials and privileged nobles.



VICE 2013


A documentary news series with a taboo-breaking team who deliver incredible news stories from around the world.


ICAC Investigators

ICAC Investigators 1976


ICAC Investigators is a long running family of Hong Kong television miniseries about the work of Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). The series are public awareness films produced by Radio Television Hong Kong, an independent department of the government, with the full co-operation of the ICAC itself. Each series dramatises real cases of the Commission and serves both to educate the populace against corrupt practises and as a public relations tool for the ICAC.



Signal 2016


Detectives from the present and a detective from the past communicate via walkie-talkie to solve a long-time unsolved case.


Low Winter Sun

Low Winter Sun 2013


Seemingly the perfect crime, the murder of a cop by a fellow Detroit detective activates forces that will forever alter the detective's life, and pull him into the heart of the Detroit underworld.



Vagabond 2019


Stuntman Cha Dal-geon gets involved in a tragic airplane crash and ends up discovering a national corruption scandal in the process. Go Hae-ri, the oldest daughter of a deceased marine, decides to work for the National Intelligence Service as a secret ops agent in order to support her mom and younger siblings, although all she wanted to do is to become a civil servant.