Eņģeļa krišana

Eņģeļa krišana 2019


Maiks Benings pilnībā nododas valsts dienestam, viņa galvenais uzdevums – gādāt par ASV prezidenta drošību. Kolēģi, ar kuriem Benings daudzus gadus strādājis plecu pie pleca, viņam neuzticas, tur viņu aizdomās par nodomu nonāvēt valsts galvu. Lai glābtu ne vien savu godu, bet arī dzīvību, Benings ir spiests slēpties un noskaidrot, kas un kāpēc ievilina viņu un prezidentu slazdā.


Uzbrukums Baltajam namam

Uzbrukums Baltajam namam 2013


ASV Kongresa nama drošības darbinieks Džons Keils dodas uz darba interviju Baltajā namā, jo viņa sapnis ir strādāt Prezidenta apsardzes dienestā. Saņēmis atteikumu, viņš nespēj par to paziņot meitiņai, kura viņu gaida aiz durvīm. Tomēr abi iešmauc tūristu grupas barā, kas apmeklē Balto namu. Šī ekskursija drīz vien pārtop murgā, jo tieši todien teroristi sāk uzbrukumu prezidenta mītnei un pašam prezidentam. Keils ir nokļuvis īstajā vietā un īstajā laikā, lai pierādītu savu gatavību aizsargāt prezidentu, taču kaut kur šajā namā atrodas arī viņa meita.


3 dienas, lai nogalinātu

3 dienas, lai nogalinātu 2014


Slepenā laboratorijā zinātnieki izstrādājuši preparātu, kas ļauj cilvēkam izārstēt jebkuru neizdziedināmu slimību. Specdienestu vadība piedāvā šīs zāles bijušajam aģentam Ītanam Ranneram, kuram ārsti ir diagnosticējuši audzēju. Bet viņam ir jāizpilda vēl viens uzdevums, kurš var maksāt viņam dzīvību. No šī brīža ap Ranneru sāk norisināties savādas lietas. Kas tas ir - halucinācijas, blakusefekti no zālēm vai pasaule tiešām ir pilna ar šīm šausmām?



24 2001


Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time. With each week's episode unfolding in real-time, "24" covers a single day in the life of Bauer each season.



Crisis 2014


When Washington's most powerful players are pulled into an international conspiracy, an unlikely puppeteer will bring everyone from CEOs to The President of the United States to their knees by threatening the things they hold most dear.


A Very Secret Service

A Very Secret Service 2015


At the height of the Cold War in 1960, André Merlaux joins the French Secret Service and contends with enemies both foreign and bureaucratic.



Bonn 2023


Bonn depicts the rise of the young West Germany, a country struggling to break free from the terrors and legacies of World War II and longing for a 'normal' life. Into this heady and volatile mix steps Toni, a young woman determined to seize every opportunity, overcome every obstacle and make her own way in what is still a very male-dominated society. But what at first appears to be only an entry-level office job at one of the country's two competing secret services soon sucks her ever deeper into a clandestine world of suspicion


The True Believers

The True Believers 1988


The True Believers is a 1988 Australian mini series which looks at the history of the Australian Labor Party from the end of World War Two up to the Australian Labor Party split of 1955. It was co-written by Bob Ellis who focused on three characters "Chifley, the unlettered man of great dignity; Menzies, who used to stand for something but eventually stood only for Menzies; and Evatt, the grand idealist... It's almost like Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 1. It's a chunk of national history during Australia's great era of change after the war."


Secret Service

Secret Service 1992


Secret Service is an American action drama television series, created by Gilbert M. Shilton and George Mendeluk, which premiered on NBC on August 16, 1992 and ended on November 17, 1993. The show was a re-enactment of real Secret Service cases. It aired 21 episodes. It was hosted by Steven Ford, the youngest son of former United States President Gerald Ford and First Lady Betty Ford.


The Easterngate

The Easterngate 1970


Follow the journey of Ewa Oginiec, who, after a personal drama, aims to exit the secret service and start over.