
Kāpa 2021


Polu Atreidesu – spožu un apdāvinātu jaunu vīrieti, kuram zvaigznēs ierakstīts ievērojams liktenis. Viņam jādodas uz bīstamāko planētu Visumā, lai nodrošinātu savas ģimenes un savas tautas nākotni. Starp ļaunajiem spēkiem uzplaiksnī cīņa par resursiem, kas atrodami vienīgi uz šīs planētas un spēj atraisīt cilvēces dižāko potenciālu, bet izdzīvos vienīgi tie, kuri spēs pārvarēt savas bailes.


Indiana Džonss un Likteņa rats

Indiana Džonss un Likteņa rats 2023


Atrodoties jaunā laikmetā un, tuvojoties pensijai, Indiana cenšas iekļauties jaunajā pasaulē, kas, šķiet, viņu ir pāraugusi. Taču, kad pazīstamā ļaunuma taustekļi atgriežas vecā sāncenša izskatā, viņam ir atkal jāuzvelk platmale un vēlreiz jāpaņem rokās pātaga, lai pārliecinātos, ka sens un spēcīgs artefakts nenonāk nepareizās rokās.


Pa asmeni skrejošais 2049

Pa asmeni skrejošais 2049 2017


Jaunais "pa asmeni skrejošais" policists K atklāj ilgi glabātu noslēpumu, un tas palīdz viņam nākt uz pēdām iepriekšējam pa asmeni skrejošajam, Rikam Dekardam, kurš 30 gadus ir pazudis bez vēsts.


Doktors Streindžs

Doktors Streindžs 2016


Izdzīvojis briesmīgā autokatastrofā, kura pārtrauca viņa veiksmīgo neiroķirurga karjeru, Stīvens Streindžs pamet ikdienišķo pasauli un dodas tālā ceļojumā dziedniecības meklējumos. Negaidīti atklājis sevī mistiskas spējas transformēt laiku un telpu, Streindžs kļūst par saiti, kura vieno divas paralēlās pasaules un viņa misijas uzdevums - aizsargāt Zemes iedzīvotājus no Ļaunuma visos tā veidolos.


Stabilizators 2

Stabilizators 2 2018


Izbijušais kareivis Roberts Makols ir nešaubīgs apspiesto un pakļauto aizstāvis. Kad pasūtījuma slepkavas nogalina viņa bijušo priekšnieci, Stabilizators ķeras pie lietas, lai atriebtu viņas nāvi. Viņam būs jāizrēķinās ar četriem ļoti pieredzējušiem slepkavām, kas ir tikpat labi apmācīti kā viņš.


Reiz Holivudā

Reiz Holivudā 2019


"Reiz Holivudā" – režisora Kventina Tarantino 9. filma, veltījums Holivudas zelta laikmeta izskaņai. Filmas darbība norisinās Losandželosā 1969. gadā, hipiju ēras ziedu laikos. Bijusī televīzijas vesternu zvaigzne Riks Daltons un viņa ilggadējais triku dublieris Klifs Būts cenšas izsisties strauji mainīgajā Holivudas kino industrijā


Tiesības uz laimi

Tiesības uz laimi 2006


Krisam Gārdneram ir lieli sapņi, taču viņam īpaši neizdodas tos sasniegt. Viņam rodas iespēja kļūt par brokeri, taču, lai to sasniegtu, jāiziet prakse, kuras laikā viņš nesaņem algu. Kriss piekrīt, taču, kad sieva viņu pamet un nemaksāšanas dēļ nākas izvākties no mājas, Krisam jāizdomā, kā aprūpēt savu dēlu. Viņi kļūst pat bezpajumtniekiem un dara visu, lai izdzīvotu. Taču Kriss ir apņēmības pilns sasniegt ko vairāk.


Alita: Kaujas eņģelis

Alita: Kaujas eņģelis 2019


Pasauli iznīcinājis Lielais karš, sagraujot ikvienu pilsētu savā ceļā, izņemot to, zem kuras trīssimt gadu laikā ir izaugusi vēl viena, kur iedzīvotāji cīnās par labklājības druskām no virszemes. Apakšējās pilsētas izgāztuvē tādējādi nonāk arī kādas kiborgmeitenes atliekas, un doktoram Ido šķiet, ka viņa ir pārsteidzoši līdzīga briesmīgajiem kaujas eņģeļiem, kas reiz piedalījās Lielajā karā.


Zaļknābis pie stūres

Zaļknābis pie stūres 2017


Viņš ir jauns un talantīgs, galvenokārt, tad, kad ātri jātiek prom no nozieguma vietas. Kad viņš satiek savu sapņu meiteni, viņš saredz iespēju aizmukt no kriminālās pasaules. Taču tas nav tik vienkārši kā šķiet - Mazais tiek iesaistīts vēl vienā noziegumā, kas apdraud viņa dzīvi, mīlestību un brīvību.


História de Amor

História de Amor 1995


Helena is a sweet, honest, sensitive and a warrior woman who faces the premature pregnancy of her daughter Joyce, who in turn is abandoned by her boyfriend, the irresponsible Caio. The biggest problem is the girl's father, Assunção, Helena's ex-husband, who does not accept the situation. Lonely and alone, Helena awakens a passion for the endocrinologist Carlos Alberto, and has her feelings matched. But Carlos is committed to the possessive Paula. The girl's parents, Zuleika and Rômulo, anxiously await their daughter's wedding with Carlos, who will save the family from financial decay. But Carlos is the type of man that women don't really forget. Even married to Paula and in love with Helena, he is still harassed by ex-wife Sheyla, who is not satisfied with having lost him and dreams of a rapprochement.



Psych 2006


Thanks to his police officer father's efforts, Shawn Spencer spent his childhood developing a keen eye for detail (and a lasting dislike of his dad). Years later, Shawn's frequent tips to the police lead to him being falsely accused of a crime he solved. Now, Shawn has no choice but to use his abilities to perpetuate his cover story: psychic crime-solving powers, all the while dragging his best friend, his dad, and the police along for the ride.


Der Alte

Der Alte 1977


A police department, lead by an older, experienced detective solve crimes together.



Leverage 2008


A five-person team comprised of a thief, a grifter, a hacker, and a retrieval specialist, led by former insurance investigator Nathan Ford, use their skills to fight corporate and governmental injustices inflicted on ordinary citizens.


Doctor Who

Doctor Who 2024


The Doctor and his companion travel across time and space encountering incredible friends and foes.


Black Lightning

Black Lightning 2018


Jefferson Pierce is a man wrestling with a secret. As the father of two daughters and principal of a charter high school that also serves as a safe haven for young people in a New Orleans neighborhood overrun by gang violence, he is a hero to his community.


The Practice

The Practice 1997


A provocative legal drama focused on young associates at a bare-bones Boston firm and their scrappy boss, Bobby Donnell. The show's forte is its storylines about “people who walk a moral tightrope.”


Silk Stalkings

Silk Stalkings 1991


Silk Stalkings is a crime drama television series. The series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.


The Lincoln Lawyer

The Lincoln Lawyer 2022


Sidelined after an accident, hotshot Los Angeles lawyer Mickey Haller restarts his career - and his trademark Lincoln - when he takes on a murder case.


Happy Valley

Happy Valley 2014


Happy Valley is a dark, funny, multi-layered thriller revolving around the personal and professional life of Catherine, a dedicated, experienced, hard-working copper. She is also a bereaved mother who looks after her orphaned grandchild.



Tracker 2024


Lone-wolf survivalist Colter Shaw roams the country as a “reward seeker,” using his expert tracking skills to help private citizens and law enforcement solve all manner of mysteries while contending with his own fractured family.


American Dragon: Jake Long

American Dragon: Jake Long 2005


American Dragon is a coming of age comedy-action series about Jake Long, a 13-year-old Asian-American boy who strives to find balance in his life as a skateboard-grinding, New York 'tween while learning to master his mystical powers (in his secret identity) as the American Dragon, the protector and guardian of all magical creatures secretly living amidst the human world.


St. Elsewhere

St. Elsewhere 1982


St. Elsewhere is an American medical drama television series that originally ran on NBC from October 26, 1982 to May 25, 1988. The series starred Ed Flanders, Norman Lloyd and William Daniels as teaching doctors at a lightly-regarded Boston hospital who gave interns a promising future in making critical medical and life decisions.


The Scorpio Season

The Scorpio Season 2023


The series is about a mysterious serial killer who keeps the whole city in fear and terror. All attempts to find the killer have failed. As a result, experienced detectives Rauf Eyvazov and Kanan Orujov are assigned to find the killer. Each murder carries a message and makes the crime case more complicated.



Hijack 2023


When Flight KA29 is hijacked during its seven-hour journey from Dubai to London, Sam Nelson—an accomplished corporate negotiator—tries using his professional skills to save everyone on board. Will this high-risk strategy be his undoing?


A Shop for Killers

A Shop for Killers 2024


A niece who lost her parents and grew up in the hands of an uncle who runs a shopping mall faces a new truth after her uncle's sudden death.


Mike Hammer, Private Eye

Mike Hammer, Private Eye 1997


Mike Hammer, Private Eye is an American syndicated television program based on the adventures of the fictitious private detective Mike Hammer, created by novelist Mickey Spillane. The show starred Stacy Keach and was seen as an attempt to revive the character he had played in Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer and The New Mike Hammer - two moderately successful syndicated CBS series from the 1980s. Mike Hammer, Private Eye premiered on September 27, 1997. The show failed to gain a wide audience and, as a result, it was canceled after only one season. The final show of the series aired on June 14, 1998.



Baretta 1975


Baretta is an American detective television series which ran on ABC from 1975 to 1978. The show was a milder version of a successful 1973–74 ABC series, Toma, starring Tony Musante as chameleon-like, real-life New Jersey police officer David Toma. While popular, Toma received intense criticism at the time for its realistic and frequent depiction of police and criminal violence. When Musante left the series after a single season, the concept was retooled as Baretta, with Robert Blake in the title role.


The Diplomat

The Diplomat 2023


In the midst of an international crisis, a career diplomat lands in a high-profile job she’s unsuited for, with tectonic implications for her marriage and her political future.