Ātrs un bez žēlastības 10

Ātrs un bez žēlastības 10 2023


Kad 2011. gadā Doms un viņa komanda uz Riodežaneiro tilta iznīcināja Brazīlijas narkobaronu Ernanu Reisu un viņa impēriju, viņi nezināja, ka Reisa dēls Dante (Džeisons Momoa) tam bija liecinieks. Pēdējos 12 gadus viņš gatavoja plānu, kas liks Domam samaksāt par visu. Filmas notikumi risināsies no Losandželosas līdz Romai, no Brazīlijas līdz Londonai un no Portugāles līdz Antarktīdai. Jauni sabiedrotie, veci ienaidnieki, ātrums, spriedze un adrenalīns – tas būs Fast X!



Bārbija 2023


Dzīvot Bārbijlendā nozīmē dzīvot perfektā pasaulē, ja vien nepiedzīvojat eksistenciālu krīzi vai neesat cilvēks ar vārdu Kens.


Alise Brīnumzemē

Alise Brīnumzemē 2010


Iedvesmojies no Luisa Kerola grāmatām „Alise Brīnumzemē” un „Alise Aizspogulijā”, režisors Tims Bērtons, kura neatkārtojamais stils ir ieguvis nedalāmu skatītāju atzinību visā pasaulē, radījis vizuāli neaizmirstamu stāstu. Tas aizsākas ar kādas meitenes Alises sekošanu līdzi Baltajam trusim uz viņa alu, kura ir durvis uz citu pasauli – tālākie notikumi un Alises neaizmirstamie piedzīvojumi pārsteigs jebkuru iztēli.


Betmens pret Supermenu: Taisnības rītausma

Betmens pret Supermenu: Taisnības rītausma 2016


Baidoties, ka Metropoles pārcilvēciskā varoņa Supermena rīcība izgājusi ārpus kontroles, spārnotais atriebējs Betmens pamet dzimto Gotemu, lai pārmācītu Supermenu. Kamēr Betmens un Supermens cīnās viens pret otru, bet sabiedrība lauž šķēpus par to, kāds varonis tai īsti vajadzīgs, cilvēci negaidot piemeklē lielākais apdraudējums, kādu tā līdz šim piedzīvojusi…


Noķer mani, ja vari

Noķer mani, ja vari 2002


Frenks W. Abagneils ir strādājis gan par ārstu, gan advokātu, gan aviolainera pilotu. Bagāta pieredze, jūs teiksiet... Taču patiesība ir tāda, ka Frenkam vēl nav 21 un viņš ir krāpšanas meistars. Viņa nevainojami viltotie bankas čeki, ienesuši tam miljoniem dolāru...


Debesu valstība

Debesu valstība 2005


Jaunais franču kalējs Balians ir spiests bēgt no savas dzimtenes un pievienoties krustnešu pulkam, kuru vada viņa tēvs. Drīz vien viņš iegūst bruņinieka titulu un stājas tēva vietā, kļūstot par prasmīgu karavadoni.


Indiana Džonss un pazaudētā šķirsta medības

Indiana Džonss un pazaudētā šķirsta medības 1981


Ir 1936 gads.ASV Valdība nolīgst slaveno arheologu Dr. Indianu Džonsu, kurš tikko ar grūtībām ir atgriezies ASV, pēc nāves draudiem no vietējām Dienvidamerikas indiāņu ciltīm, kuras viņam uzsūtīja sens viņa ienaidnieks Renē Beloks, kurš reizē arī atņēma Indianam Džonsam pirmīt no slepenajām kapenēm iznesto zelta elka figūru. Indianam Džonsam valdības uzdevumā ir jāatrod Derības šķirsts, kurā atrodas desmit baušļi.



2012 2009


Atbilstoši Maiju indiāņu kalendāram 2012.gadā visas saules sistēmas planētas atradīsies uz vienas līnijas, kā rezultātā izcelsies globāla mēroga dabas kataklizmas: visspēcīgākās zemestrīces, cunami un vulkānu izvirdumi valstis un veselus kontinentus pārvērtīs drupās. Zinātnieki nesen apliecinājuši, ka šis mīts var kļūt par realitāti.


Neiespējamā misija: Sekas

Neiespējamā misija: Sekas 2018


Šoreiz Ītenam Hantam piedāvā kārtējo "neiespējamo" misiju – atgūt trīs plutonija bumbas, kas ir nozagtas krieviem. Pēc tam, kad Ītena Hanta un viņa IMF komandas jaunais uzdevums cieš pilnīgu fiasko, viņam kopā ar komandas biedriem un citiem sabiedrotajiem ir jādara viss, lai labotu kāda pagātnē pieņemta nepareiza lēmuma tālejošās sekas.


Vienādojums ar nezināmajiem

Vienādojums ar nezināmajiem 2016


Filmas sižets veidots pēc Margotas Lī Šeterlijas grāmatas ar tādu pašu nosaukumu. Filma ir par afroamerikāņu matemātiķēm, kas strādāja NASA un izrēķināja lidošanas trajektorijas Mercury un citiem projektiem.


Neiespējamā misija: Rēgu protokols

Neiespējamā misija: Rēgu protokols 2011


Pēc sprādziena Kremlī, kurā tiek vainota aģentūra IMF, tā aģents Ītens Hants un pārējie viņa komandā tiek atstādināti “rēgu protokola” ietvaros. Bez papildspēkiem un resursiem aģentiem jāatrod veids, kā novērst vēl vienu uzbrukumu un kliedēt šaubu ēnu pār viņu aģentūru. Šis uzdevums prasīs no viņiem pat pirmajā brīdī šķietami neiespējamo…



NOVA 1974


PBS' premier science series helps viewers of all ages explore the science behind the headlines. Along the way, NOVA demystifies science and technology, and highlights the people involved in scientific pursuits.



Binnelanders 2005


A South African Afrikaans soap opera. It is set in and around the fictional private hospital, Binneland Kliniek, in Pretoria, and the storyline follows the trials, trauma and tribulations of the staff and patients of the hospital.



Fargo 2014


A close-knit anthology series dealing with stories involving malice, violence and murder based in and around Minnesota.


The Expanse

The Expanse 2015


A thriller set two hundred years in the future following the case of a missing young woman who brings a hardened detective and a rogue ship's captain together in a race across the solar system to expose the greatest conspiracy in human history.


The Americans

The Americans 2013


Set during the Cold War period in the 1980s, The Americans is the story of Elizabeth and Philip Jennings, two Soviet KGB officers posing as an American married couple in the suburbs of Washington D.C. and their neighbor, Stan Beeman, an FBI Counterintelligence agent.


The 100

The 100 2014


100 years in the future, when the Earth has been abandoned due to radioactivity, the last surviving humans live on an ark orbiting the planet — but the ark won't last forever. So the repressive regime picks 100 expendable juvenile delinquents to send down to Earth to see if the planet is still habitable.



Bridgerton 2020


Wealth, lust, and betrayal set in the backdrop of Regency era England, seen through the eyes of the powerful Bridgerton family.



JAG 1995


Harmon "Harm" Rabb Jr. is a former pilot turned lawyer working for the military's JAG (Judge Advocate General) division, the elite legal wing of officers that prosecutes and defends those accused of military-related crimes. He works closely with Lt. Col. Sarah Mackenzie, and together they do what needs to be done to find the truth.



Supergirl 2015


Twenty-four-year-old Kara Zor-El, who was taken in by the Danvers family when she was 13 after being sent away from Krypton, must learn to embrace her powers after previously hiding them. The Danvers teach her to be careful with her powers, until she has to reveal them during an unexpected disaster, setting her on her journey of heroism.


Animal Kingdom

Animal Kingdom 2016


17-year-old Joshua "J" Cody moves in with his freewheeling relatives in their Southern California beach town after his mother dies of a heroin overdose. Headed by boot-tough matriarch Janine "Smurf" Cody and her right-hand Baz, who runs the business and calls the shots, the clan also consists of Pope, the oldest and most dangerous of the Cody boys; Craig, the tough and fearless middle son; and Deran, the troubled, suspicious "baby" of the family.


Babylon Berlin

Babylon Berlin 2017


Beneath the decadence of 1929 Berlin, lies an underworld city of sin. Police investigator Gereon Rath has been transferred from Cologne to the epicenter of political and social changes in the Golden Twenties.


Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire 2010


Atlantic City at the dawn of Prohibition is a place where the rules don't apply. And the man who runs things -- legally and otherwise -- is the town's treasurer, Enoch "Nucky" Thompson, who is equal parts politician and gangster.


Frieren: Beyond Journey's End

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End 2023


After the party of heroes defeated the Demon King, they restored peace to the land and returned to lives of solitude. Generations pass, and the elven mage Frieren comes face to face with humanity’s mortality. She takes on a new apprentice and promises to fulfill old friends’ dying wishes. Can an elven mind make peace with the nature of life and death? Frieren embarks on her quest to find out.


The Practice

The Practice 1997


A provocative legal drama focused on young associates at a bare-bones Boston firm and their scrappy boss, Bobby Donnell. The show's forte is its storylines about “people who walk a moral tightrope.”


Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under 2001


When death is your business, what is your life? For the Fisher family, the world outside of their family-owned funeral home continues to be at least as challenging as—and far less predictable than—the one inside.



Matlock 1986


Matlock is an American television legal drama, starring Andy Griffith in the title role of criminal defense attorney Ben Matlock. The show, produced by The Fred Silverman Company, Dean Hargrove Productions, Viacom Productions and Paramount Television originally aired from September 23, 1986 to May 8, 1992 on NBC; and from November 5, 1992 until May 7, 1995 on ABC. The show's format is similar to that of CBS's Perry Mason, with Matlock identifying the perpetrators and then confronting them in dramatic courtroom scenes. One difference, however, was that whereas Mason usually exculpated his clients at a pretrial hearing, Matlock usually secured an acquittal at trial, from the jury.



Sense8 2015


One gunshot, one death, one moment out of time that irrevocably links eight minds in disparate parts of the world, putting them in each other's lives, each other's secrets, and in terrible danger. Ordinary people suddenly reborn as "Sensates."


Something in the Rain

Something in the Rain 2018


Explore the relationship of two people as they go from being “just acquaintances” to “a genuine couple” — Yoon Jin Ah, a coffee shop supervisor in her 30s, and Seo Joon Hee, a designer at a video game company who has just returned from working abroad.





Mark Grayson is a normal teenager except for the fact that his father is the most powerful superhero on the planet. Shortly after his seventeenth birthday, Mark begins to develop powers of his own and enters into his father’s tutelage.