Klinšu kāpējs

Klinšu kāpējs 1993


Geibs ir bezbailīgs un talantīgs klinšu kāpējs – viņš ir glābšanas komandas zvaigzne līdz vienubrīd kāda glābšanas operācija izrādās traģiski neveiksmīga. Viņa draugs, profesionāls klinšu kāpējs izmežģī kāju un tiek iesprostots kalna virsotnē kopā ar draudzeni, kurai trūkst pieredzes šajā bīstamajā un sarežģītajā sporta veidā. Nelaime notiek, kad sievieti pieviļ ekipējums – Geibs vēl mēģina viņu glābt, taču viņa burtiski izslīd no viņa rokām. Nolēmis pamest klinšu kāpšanu pavisam, viņš gatavojas sākt jaunu dzīvi. Tomēr viņam jāpiedalās vēl pēdējā glābšanas operācijā – kalnos iesprostoti cilvēki, kurus pārsteiguši nelabvēlīgi laika apstākļi. Geibs vēl nenojauš, ka tie nav vis parasti alpīnisti, bet gan bīstami noziedznieki.



RV 2006



Tin Star

Tin Star 2017


The story of Jim Worth, an expat British police officer starting a new life with his family as police chief in Little Big Bear, an idyllic town near the Rocky Mountains. When his small town is overrun by migrant workers from a massive new oil refinery – the wave of drugs, prostitution and organised crime that follows them threatens to sweep away everything in its wake.


Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet

Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet 2015


There's no such thing as "a regular day" at Denver's Planned Pethood Plus veterinary clinic. For 80,000-plus clients and their pets, the clinic and its maverick ER vet Dr. Jeff Young represent one last hope and possibly the difference between life and death.


Bus Stop

Bus Stop 1961


Bus Stop is a 26-episode American drama which aired on ABC from October 1, 1961, until March 25, 1962, starring Marilyn Maxwell as Grace Sherwood, the owner of a bus station and diner in the fictitious town of Sunrise in the Colorado Rockies. The program was adapted from William Inge's play, Bus Stop, and Inge was a script consultant for the series, which followed the lives of travelers passing through the bus station and the diner. Maxwell's co-stars were Richard Anderson as District Attorney Glenn Wagner, Rhodes Reason as Sheriff Will Mayberry, Joan Freeman as waitress Elma Gahrigner, Bernard Kates as Ralph the coroner, and Buddy Ebsen as Virge Blessing.


Heart of the World: Colorado's National Parks

Heart of the World: Colorado's National Parks 2016


Heart of the World delves into the true wonder and beauty of nature, taking us through the centuries of some of the most spectacular sights on earth - Colorado's National Parks. With stunning photography of the parks filmed throughout the seasons, these three hour-long episodes explore the geological history of each park, the forces of nature that changed them, and the people they have inspired.


Rocky Mountain Animal Rescue

Rocky Mountain Animal Rescue 2018


The extraordinary staff at the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region risk their lives and give their hearts to save all animals big and small.