Volstrītas vilks

Volstrītas vilks 2013


Stāsts balstīts uz reāliem faktiem par Džordanu Belfortu – sākot ar kļūšanu par bagātu akciju brokeri līdz pat viņa norietam, kas saistīts ar noziedzību, korupciju un federālo valdību.



2012 2009


Atbilstoši Maiju indiāņu kalendāram 2012.gadā visas saules sistēmas planētas atradīsies uz vienas līnijas, kā rezultātā izcelsies globāla mēroga dabas kataklizmas: visspēcīgākās zemestrīces, cunami un vulkānu izvirdumi valstis un veselus kontinentus pārvērtīs drupās. Zinātnieki nesen apliecinājuši, ka šis mīts var kļūt par realitāti.


Noķer mani, ja vari

Noķer mani, ja vari 2002


Frenks W. Abagneils ir strādājis gan par ārstu, gan advokātu, gan aviolainera pilotu. Bagāta pieredze, jūs teiksiet... Taču patiesība ir tāda, ka Frenkam vēl nav 21 un viņš ir krāpšanas meistars. Viņa nevainojami viltotie bankas čeki, ienesuši tam miljoniem dolāru...



Leģenda 2015


Filma stāsta par diviem pēc izskata vienādiem gangsteriem Redžiju un Roniju Krejiem, kas ir divi no visslavenākajiem noziedzniekiem Lielbritānijas vēsturē, kā arī viņu organizētās noziedzības impēriju Londonas Īstendā pagājušā gadsimta sešdesmitajos gados.


Miruso ritausma

Miruso ritausma 2004


Georga A. Romero šausmu klasikas pārtaisījums. Neizskaidrojams mēris ir iznīcinājis planētas iedzīvotājus, pārvēršot mirušos par briesmīgiem zombijiem, kuri nepārtraukti meklē cilvēka miesu un asinis, lai izdzīvotu. Viskonsīnā daudzveidīgā cilvēku grupa, kas izbēga no mēra, cenšas glābt savas dzīvības, dodoties patvērumā tirdzniecības centrā, kur viņiem jāiemācās ne tikai pasargāt sevi no zombiju bariem, bet arī dzīvot kopā.


Saulgriežu kults

Saulgriežu kults 2019


Jauns pāris dodas uz Zviedriju, lai mazā pilsētiņā piedalītos saulgriežu svinēšanā. Sākotnēji idilliskais retrīts ātri pārvēršas par agresīvām un dīvainām sacensībām pagānu kulta tradīciju garā.



Host 2020




Lidojums 2012


Pēc tam, kad pieredzējušais lidmašīnas pilots Vips Vitekers,demonstrējot izveicību un drosmi izglābj reisa pasažierus no drošas nāves, viņš kļūst par varoni. Taču, kad tiek uzsākta notikušā izmeklēšana, atklājās fakti...


Doktors Miegs

Doktors Miegs 2019


"Doktors Miegs" ir turpinājums stāstam par Deniju Toransu – 40 gadus pēc šausmu pilnajiem notikumiem "Overlook" viesnīcā, par ko vēstīts filmā "Mirdzums". Joprojām nespējot atgūties pēc bērnībā piedzīvotās biedējošās traumas, Dens Toranss ilgus gadus ir pūlējies rast vismaz ārēju mieru. Tomēr tad Dens satiek Ābru – drosmīgu pusaudzi, kurai ir spējas, kas pazīstamas kā "mirdzums". Ābra lūdz Dena palīdzību cīņā pret Īsteno mezglu – grupu, kam nepieciešams mirdzums, lai saglabātu nemirstību.



Ray 2004



Love & Hip Hop New York

Love & Hip Hop New York 2011


When people think of the hip hop life, they think of the players - the men who shape the music and the blinged-out lifestyle that comes with success. The fact is the hip hop life is different for the women involved: the spouses, girlfriends or artists trying to define themselves in a world where men are still calling the shots.


The Girls Next Door

The Girls Next Door 2005


The Girls Next Door, also known as The Girls of the Playboy Mansion, is a reality television series which originally aired on E! from August 7, 2005 until August 8, 2010. The series was created by executive producer Kevin Burns and Hugh Hefner, founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine. The show was followed by two spin-offs, Kendra and Holly's World.



Insecure 2016


Follows the awkward experiences and racy tribulations of a modern-day African-American woman.


The Crowded Room

The Crowded Room 2023


In 1979 Manhattan, a young man is arrested for a shocking crime — and an unlikely investigator must solve the mystery behind it.


Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath

Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath 2016


Leah Remini, along with high level former Scientology executives and Church members, explores individual accounts from ex-Church members and their families through meetings and interviews with Leah. Each episode features stories from former members whose lives have been affected by the Church's harmful practices, even well after they left the organization.


Dirty John

Dirty John 2018


Anthology series in which each season is based on a true crime story featuring an epic tale of love gone wrong.


Deadly Waters with Captain Lee

Deadly Waters with Captain Lee 2024


A sun-soaked true crime series that sees Captain Lee search for answers to some of the most remarkable, unsolved crimes ever to have taken place on the high seas. The captain sets sail for some of the world's most exotic locations, but he's not investigating small-scale vacation-gone-wrong crimes, he's looking into the craziest, most remarkable and downright bizarre crimes that have happened just off the coast of paradise. With on-location shooting, eyewitness testimony, shocking revelations and new evidence, this is one voyage no one will forget.


I Got a Story to Tell

I Got a Story to Tell 2022


With every new experience, comes a story. But with every story has a dark side. Six twisted stories of love, desire, lust.



Pyramid 1970


Pyramid is an American television game show that has aired several versions. The original series, The $10,000 Pyramid, debuted March 26, 1973, and spawned seven subsequent Pyramid series. The game featured two contestants, each paired with a celebrity. Players attempt to guess a series of words or phrases based on descriptions given to them by their teammates. The title refers to the show's pyramid-shaped gameboard, featuring six categories arranged in a triangular fashion. The various Pyramid series won a total of nine Daytime Emmys for Outstanding Game Show, second only to Jeopardy!, which has won thirteen. Dick Clark is the host most commonly associated with the show, having hosted every incarnation from 1973–88, save for a 1974–79 syndicated version, The $25,000 Pyramid, hosted by Bill Cullen. John Davidson hosted a 1991-92 version of The $100,000 Pyramid, and another version, simply titled Pyramid, ran from 2002–04 with Donny Osmond as host. A new version titled The Pyramid premiered September 3, 2012 on GSN. This version was hosted by Mike Richards. The show only lasted one season before being cancelled.


Born Rich

Born Rich 1970


Born Rich is a 2003 documentary film about the experience of growing up as a child in one of the world's richest families. It was created by Jamie Johnson, an heir to the Johnson & Johnson fortune.